Chapter 1

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Vinster Villa seemed haunted. With its old-world charm, had a kind of spookiness that wasn't about ghost stories but rooted in its old architecture. Dust clung to its timeworn surfaces, telling tales of years gone by. Despite the wear and tear, it stood tall, a testament to its strong spirit. Within those weathered walls, secrets seemed to linger, casting shadows that danced with the whispers of untold stories. The villa beckoned, inviting explorers to unlock the mysteries hidden in its captivating, aged embrace.

Held around the sea, Vinster had this timeless allure that caught the eye. It wasn't just old; it was a century-old tale inscribed into every brick. Meira, its new owner, toyed with selling or turning it into a stockroom. But as the sea whispered and the walls spoke stories, breaking down this mesmerizing piece of history felt wrong. Also, how could she? Her grandmother gifted her after all.

The building, withstood by years, held a special kind of charm. The salty breeze from the sea blended with the echoes, creating a unique atmosphere.

Meira, in contemplating its fate, saw something else. Instead of letting go, she envisioned breathing new life into its old bones. A boutique hotel, carefully refurbished, could share this timeless charm with the world.

Villa, once on the brink of a different destiny, now stood ready for a new chapter. And Meira, captivated by its magic, was determined to let those stories unfold within its seaside embrace.

It sat not too far from the city, just 2 hours of drive. The neighbours were older, but that wasn't much of a concern.

On the third day of settling in, furniture and stuff were still finding their spots in this huge place. It wasn't an easy task to sort everything out in just one day.

As things were getting arranged on the table, the quiet was broken by the ringing of the phone. Taking a break from the task, Meira checked the call was her uncle.

"Hey, Wassup?" Meira asked, strolling towards the kitchen to clean it. It marked her third day there, and the kitchen still bore the traces of negligence due to their collective laziness.

"Are you still at Vinster?" Her uncle inquired, a hint of concern weaving through his words, prompting her to pay closer attention.

"Yeah, why? Is everything fine?" Meira lingered for a moment until he continued. "Joseph was trying to call you, but you didn't answer."

Ah, yes, Joseph-firmly residing in her block list.

"Is he there with you? Are you at his office?" She pulled off another white sheet from the counter, inadvertently stirring up a cloud of dust that settled on her face. Coughing, she heard an irate growl from her friend, who had entered the kitchen without her noticing. It seemed like her friend had come to lend a hand.

"Are you fine?" Her uncle's voice expressed concern.

"Yeah, I'm," Meira assured between coughs from the lingering dust.

"Okay," he continued, "Actually, James called me to talk about some business stuff. Joseph was also there. He wanted to talk to you, but his calls are going to voice mail. Is everything alright, Mer?"

Meira's nose wrinkled at his reply. Joseph, her could-be husband, was the son of James Claflin, a top businessman and her father's best friend.

An unfortunate downturn in her uncle's investments had led to bankruptcy, and in seeking James's help, he had agreed but with the condition of marrying Meira to his son.

But her friend highly suspected that it was his devious scheme to claim all the virtues she had earned and inherited from her grandmother. It seemed that he couldn't muster the courage to ask her directly, so he chose this indirect approach.

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