Chapter 5

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In the dimly lit cell, Meira couldn't escape the clanking of iron restraints, memories of the unjust arrest vivid in her mind. Accused of a crime she hadn't committed, the heavy restraints served as a cruel reminder of her abrupt confinement.

Recollections of the grand palace contrasted sharply with her present fatigue. The peculiar realm's inhabitants, with their odd clothing and physique, remained etched in her thoughts.

As her mind revisited the moment the guards halted her, under the scrutiny of the presumed king, Meira's defiance echoed. The memory of being accused, her protests, and the skeptical looks around her continued to torment her in the solitary confines of her cell. The past incident, an indelible mark, cast shadows that refused to fade.

Maria puzzled over why everyone was casting glances at her as if she was a villain, as if they had encountered her before and hated her.

The guards wasted no time in dragging Meira away, her pleas and shouts falling on deaf ears. The guard posted outside and remained indifferent to her queries about the unfamiliar location.

Overhearing snippets of conversation outside her cell, Meira's suspicions grew. A man's outcry echoed, followed by the clattering of guards. Suddenly, her cell door swung open, revealing a hooded figure.

"So, it's you," the figure remarked, revealing a casual demeanor. Meira couldn't lie, fear gripped her, yet she found herself captivated by his overwhelming handsomeness. Rendered speechless and standing frozen, she was caught in the enchantment of his presence.

He appeared like a dream, exuding an extraordinary handsomeness. Standing tall with a lean build, he wore a brown wrapped-around pant that resembled a schenti, albeit longer. A sleeveless jacket adorned his frame. His eyes, mysteriously dark brown and sharp, gleamed in the light of the burning torch, casting a radiant glow upon his face.

A silent plea echoed within Meira; she fervently hoped that he was not a malevolent figure. Because despite his charm, fear pulsed through Meira's veins. The figure chuckled at her predicament.

"Are you done staring at me?" he gave a smug smile as he stepped forward.

"No," Meira retorted, wary of his intentions. "Don't come closer,"

"Or what?" he inquired, drawing closer to her. "You will kill me?" he chuckled.

Meira, caught in a mix of confusion and fear, remained silent. Her gaze spoke volumes, silently expressing the hope that he wouldn't become the next complication in her life. Sensing her trepidation, the tall figure recognized her fear and attempted to reassure her, saying, "Don't worry, I'm just here to help."

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I can," he declared, liberating her from the burden of those heavy chains. Meira's confusion deepened. He could be her savior, but why?

"Now, let's go, before someone walks inside and chains both of us," He remarked, gripping her wrist. Meira pulled away, stating, "I'm not going with you."

The guy rolled his eyes in profound disappointment, a visceral reaction to what he perceived as the pinnacle of idiocy. The sheer unreliability of the situation weighed heavily on him. With a shake of his head, he turned back to her, his tone tinged with incredulity, "Do you honestly want to stay here?"

Meira stood there, her stance unwavering, a portrait of stubborn determination etched across her face. The resolute set of her jaw and the unyielding glint in her eyes spoke volumes about her commitment to the cause, as if she were an unmovable force in the face of any opposition.

He took a deliberate step back, his gaze unwavering as he spoke. "Proceed with your plan. I'll meet you again tomorrow, just before your scheduled execution."

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