Chapter 7

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Meira's eyes opened, and a strange sensation enveloped her. Alone in bed, confusion set in as the familiar room replaced the otherworldly landscape from moments before. There was no Haris, no monstrous woman-just Meira and the empty room.

Shouldn't she have felt happy and relaxed? But why was anxiety gnawing at her? She had no answer. The weight of what had happened burdened her so much that she didn't know how to react.

Hastily getting up, Meira approached her bed tentatively, finding no traces of the strange realm. The sheets were undisturbed, and the surreal transition between worlds lingered in her mind.

Suddenly, her eyes met her reflection in the mirror. She noticed a cloth tied like a bandage around her neck, with leaves sticking to her skin behind the fabric. She removed the scarf as it fell off into her hand. She brushed off the leaves, which still had some brown, sticky material on them. As she looked closer, she saw the marks of nails dug into her neck.

So it was all real, not just a product of her imagination. She had truly been there, surrounded by those who hated her. Haris had rescued her; he wasn't lying or delusional. He was real.

And if all of it was true, why her? How could that bed and mirror transport her to another realm? Most importantly, what were all these things doing in a mansion she had never known existed? She had only heard stories from her grandmother about how she and her mother had lived there when her mother was young.

The ordinary surroundings failed to anchor her thoughts, and as she reached the bottom of the staircase, the living room bathed in daylight stretched before her. The abrupt shift between realities left her questioning her sanity.

As the day waned, Meira resolved to embark on a solitary quest for answers, confronting the verses, the mirror, and otherworldly mysteries woven into her reality. Haris's absence and unanswered questions drove her to seek solace in unraveling enigmatic truths.

In the quiet hours of the night, Meira retraced her steps through the realms, determined to confront the unknown and bridge the gap between the ordinary and the extraordinary. The verses whispered secrets, the mirror held reflections of unseen truths, and Meira stood at the threshold of a journey that would redefine her understanding of reality.

In the quiet solitude of her investigations, Meira sought to understand the connection between the two worlds that tugged at her consciousness. The missing phone, a silent witness to the inexplicable events, became a beacon guiding her through the labyrinth of her existence.

Unable to find peace during sleepless nights, Meira, though physically distant from the unsettling room, summoned the courage to seek answers at the library. In quiet corners, she explored books and her grandmother's diary, hoping to unravel the mysteries. The dim light of reading lamps accompanied her journey through tales of archaeological adventures and familial connections within aged pages.

In the library's solace, Meira discovered the existence of worlds similar to those in sci-fi movies. Some advanced, some in the past, and a few identical to hers. As she read further in her grandmother's diary-

Ancient civilizations possessed a deeper understanding. They had the knowledge to communicate with beings from other universes. Suddenly, this interaction ceased, and the group that advanced our world disappeared without a trace. However, the evidence of their existence is etched on the walls of ancient monuments, hidden in caves, and buried underground.

In our time, some hunt for ancient wisdom in secrecy, seemingly to protect the public. But their true aim? Power. Little do they realize that true power aligns itself with destiny, and those who grasp it risk being consumed and reduced to ashes.

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