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I land on the roof, quickly changing and heading for the lab. I fix the collar on my lab coat, scanning my ID to open the door.

" Hey Doc." I call out.

" Hey Andrea, I'll be with you in a moment." He informs me.

I look around, it being full of new equipment and empty boxes. Seems Doc must have called in a few favours.

" Where did you get all this equipment?" I ask him.

" Called in every last favour. Took out a few loans. It's like we're starting over once again. But this time's going to be different." He announces.

I walk around the lab, looking at all the new equipment that was overflowing on the desks. I walk over to the prosthetic, the design changed with multiply expandable wires inside.

" You've been busy."

" Just getting started. You know, until now we've been looking at prosthetics all wrong. Why restore people to what they once were, when we can make it better." Otto rants.

" Okay, that should do it." He comments, coming over with the remote in his hands.

I watch as he moves the sticks, the arm moving smoothly as it opens its hand. It reaches down, starting to shake as Doc struggles to move the sticks on the remote. The hand then opens, grabbing onto the mug and shattering it.

" Damn it! Norman this is all your fault!" Otto shouts, throwing the remote.

" Guess we know who your not voting for in the reelection campaign." I chuckle, making him glare at me.

" Sorry, I have a habit of making jokes in tense situations." I apologise, seeing him take a deep breath as he lets out a chuckle.

" It was a good joke Parker. Just a bit of an overreaction on my part." He sighs.

" No, don't worry. Why don't you take a break? I'll uh, clean this up and get it ready for another test." I tell him, making him nod.

He then walks away, leaning against a desk a few feet away. I bend down, picking up the pieces of the broken mug.

" So uh, if you don't mind me asking, seems you and Norman have a bit of a history." I comment, getting Otto's attention.

" We were lab partners in college. Became friends. We decided to start a business. We both had visions of changing the world just in different ways." He tells me.

" Wait, you were at Oscorp when it started?" I ask shocked.

" I'm half the reason it's called Oscorp. In grad school everyone called us the O's. Add corp to that and well, it is a catchy name." Otto shrugs.

" Well why'd you leave?" I ask.

" Norman became more and more obsessed with genetics. He started a project I considered unethical. And there was this..." He trails off.

" Anyway lawyers got involved and I chose to leave in exchange for a settlement. But that money didn't last very long. I've relied on grants ever since." He adds.

" If this project doesn't work..." He sighs.

" Don't worry, it'll work. Let me just fix this up." I tell him, picking up the remote.

" I'll brew some fresh coffee." He tells me, standing up.

He walks away and I get to work on the controls. I quickly analyse the control, seeing that it was completely over powered. Doc's lucky this thing didn't explode in his hands. I rewire the controller, making sure it won't short-circuit again.

Spider-Woman (OC G!P x Nat) (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now