Oh no...

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It's now later into the celebrations. The cake is cut, people are partying, dancing to music. It's nice. Mr Lee has walked away over to the pictures on the wall, but I wanted to thank him so I went over to him.

" Thanks again for setting all this up." I thank him, and he nods, turning to me.

" I just wish I could do more." He shrugs.

" Well, May's always told me,' You help someone..."

" 'You help everyone'." He finishes for me, making us chuckle.

" Yeah, maybe we should send May to city hall to have a talk with our lovely Mayor Osborn." He scoffs, making me chuckle and look over to May.

" Yeah, she really is somethin' else isn't she." I state, getting sentimental.

My phone then goes off in my pocket. I take out my phone, noticing it's a text from Otto.

" Oh, I gotta go. Thanks again for the party and all. It really means allot." I tell him before I walk out of the room and head to the exit.


I'm now back on the roof, taking off my clothes and stuffing them into my back pack, taking out my mask and shoving it on. I then press a few things on my mask, seeing the text from Doc pop up on screen.

Doc 🦾🥼
Call me.

I press a few more things on my mask, dialling Doc's number, waiting for him to pick up as I start swinging towards the lab.

" Doctor! How did it go with the committee? I'm so sorry I screwed things up." I ask immediately as he answers the phone.

" Not at all Andrea. They're just nervous in the face of imminent triumph. They'll calm down; they always do." He tells me, putting me at ease.

" Should I head back to the lab for clean up?" I ask.

" No no. I'm stepping out for dinner anyway. We'll resume tomorrow. Short break, then back to creating the future." He gushes before he hangs up.

This is perfect. With Otto out of the lab for the rest of the day, it's the perfect time to work on some spider stuff. You see, while Otto and I are close, we're not close enough for me to tell him about me being Spider-Woman.

I let go of my web, landing on the roof of the lab. I grab my bag from the wall, walking towards the roof door. I walk down the stairs, heading towards the bathrooms. I walk in, take of my suit and put my clothes on. I stuff my suit in my bag, along with my mask before zipping it up and putting it on my back.

I walk towards the lab door, swipe my key card on the scanner and walk in. I get into my office in the lab and open my bag, pulling out my suit and lay it out on my work bench. I walk over to my drawers, pulling out my notepads that I have sketches of various different ideas and. I start to work on my web-shooters, seeing what can be improved on.


I've been working on my spider stuff for a while now, and I am starting to make some progress with it. I've increased my web-shooters capacity for web fluid and now I'm working on the lenses of my mask. Just then, Doctor Octavius comes into the room.

" Parker!" He cheers.

" Doctor Octavius! I - Ah... whatcha got there?" I ask him, trying to distract him as I move me suit behind me.

" Chinese. If I knew you'd be here, I would've-." He cuts himself off when he looks to my desk.

" What are you working on?" He asks, leaning forward to see and I move it away.

Spider-Woman (OC G!P x Nat) (Rewrite)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu