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I swing down to the roof of FEAST, quickly pulling my normal clothes over my suit, fixing my hair and stuffing my mask in my bag. I jump down into an alleyway, heading to the entrance.

As I turned the corner, I spotted Natasha already waiting for me, her corvette parked just outside. I walk past her, walking in and holding the door open for her.

" Let's got take a look through the looking glass." Natasha speaks up.

" Did you just make an Alice and Wonderland reference?" I ask her, seeing her roll her eyes out of the corner of my eye.

I quickly make my way up the stairs to my left, heading down the hallway, keeping my head down and hoping May doesn't spot me.

I get to Li's office, turning the handle to go in and it's locked. I stand back, looking around to see a vent in the ceiling.

I look around, seeing no one here to I jump up to it, opening it and climbing through. I follow the vent, seeing another grate. I look down, seeing it's for Li's office. I jump down, turning to unlock the door. I reach for the handle, the door opening as Nat tucks something back into her hair.

" Really? You could have done that the whole time?" I question.

" You never asked." She shrugs, walking past me.

" So, what do you know about this guy?" Natasha asks.

" Not much really. His parents died when he was young. That's all I know really." I tell her honestly.

She starts rooting through the drawers in his desk while I head over to a tall shrine he has in his office. I look over, seeing a picture of Li's parents. They died when he was young, he doesn't like to talk about it.

It's okay though, I don't like talking about how my parents died in a plane crash when I was thirteen. Peter was four. He was the luckier age. Not as many memories.

I examine the picture frame, noticing a key whole in the frame.

" Natasha." I call out, still looking at the canvas.

" What?" She huffs.

" You find a key in those drawers?" I ask.

I hear her pause her movements for a second, hearing rifling before she comes over, handing me a small key. I unlock the canvas, seeing three different puzzles behind it.

There was some small dials under each one. I reached out, twisting the dials to see what happens. I watch as they move in circular motions and I quickly realise what it's supposed to be. A Ying and Yang symbol.

I make the symbol, hearing multiple locks clicking into place, the cabinet slowly opening up into the wall, revealing a hidden room off his office.

We walk in the room, seeing a desk with a pin board behind it, overflowing with overlapped photos. I walk over to the desk, seeing a creepy black and white photo of Li's parents.

There was a file and a tape recorder on the desk. I looked back to Natasha, seeing her eyeing everything curiously. I press play on the voice recorder, standing back.

" I can feel my power growing feeding off my anger..." I hear Martin pant out through the recorder.

" Father would say I've lost the path of balance but he could never understand. The only way to fight a monster... is to become one." Martin adds before the recording stops.

" This still doesn't give us motive. Why does Martin Li want to go after Norman Osborn?" Romanoff asks.

" I don't know. There's more to this story then what's in front of us." I tell her while I round the desk, getting a better look at the pinboard.

Spider-Woman (OC G!P x Nat) (Rewrite)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora