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I started swinging through the dark city, the wind flowing through the small holes in my suit. I pressed a button on my mask, dialing Yuri's phone number.

" Captain Watanabe." She answers the phone.

" Yuri! What's going on?" I ask her as I avoided a bird in the sky.

" What's going on is our old friend Herman Schultz is downtown robbing Westmoore bank." She informs sounding a little pissed off.

" Shocker? What's he doing robbing a bank? This is not gonna go down well with his probation officer." I joke.

" Can you make jokes and ask questions after you stop him?" Yuri questions.

" Sure thing Yuri. Your favourite tough grizzled spider is on the case." I say in a deeper voice.

" No, no, no no. Don't-"

" Spider-cop." I say in a deeper voice, making her sigh at my antics.

" This is why I question I ever gave up smoking." She mutters before she hangs up.

Yeah, she loves me.

I swing towards the bank Shocker is in, dodging buildings as I do. I get closer to the bank, now being able to hear the alarm. Just as I turned the corner, Shocker jumped out of the window with a duffle, sending glass everywhere in the street. He stands up fully, looking around as I just landed on a street light near him.

" Hi Herman! Ya miss me?!" I shout at him.

" Oh great." He groans behind the mask as I front flipped off the street light.

" Herman. I'm offended." I feign in face hurt as I slowly walked towards him.

" I thought we had a connection. We've been fighting each other for years. I know I always win but it's good practice." I joke.

" Well that's about to change!" He shouts as he launches at me, me barely able to dodge it.

" Fine. We'll do this the hard-way." I mumble to myself.

I shoot some webs at him, dodging his shockwave blasts as I rotate around him, wrapping him up like a cocoon. I jump on his back, shooting webs at his hands, bringing his arms into an X shape so I don't get hit.

" Why are robbing the bank? You know the cops are watching your every move. So why risk it?" I ask him as he still struggles against my webs.

" They said if I told you, they'd kill me." He grunts as he continues to struggle.

" Who? Who hired you?" I ask him just as I hear him powering up his gauntlets.

" I'm done *one arm free* talking!" He shouts just before he gets his other arm free.

I jump off his back, swinging around to avoid his blasts. I land on the side of a building, looking down at him as he just turned to my direction.

" What's the money for Herman?" I ask him.

" I said I'm done talking!" He shouts, pointing both gauntlets at me as he fires.

I wasn't able to avoid the blast so I braced for impact. The blast sent me through the glass window and halfway through a wall in the building as I was stuck in it, papers and dust flying around the office building.

" Noted." I groaned.

I pushed myself from inside the wall, some more dry-wall falling as some crunched under my feet. I ran out the window, leaping in the air to avoid another blast from Shocker.

I landed on the street behind him and shot two webs at him, grabbing them with my hands, sending an electric shock through the webs and into Herman's body, electrocuting him.

Spider-Woman (OC G!P x Nat) (Rewrite)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz