The day i left - again

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After a quick trip to Berk they headed back with a herb that should knock out Strike, they landed near the cave in hopes he would be near by
"Yous stay in the air, I might need a quick get away" Y/n sighed. She had never been afraid of her dragon before but he was acting not on his own will so she had to be careful.
Hiccup and Toothless hovered above slightly as Y/n crept into the cave
"Bud? You in here?" She asked, her voice shaking, all she received was growls. Y/n looked around and eventually her eyes landed on her dragon, his eyes were slits and for the first time Y/n was terrified of him but she still trusted him so she edged towards him
"Easy buddy, it's just me" she said softy
'LEAVE' the dragon roared at her
"No I'm going to help you" Y/n continued walking
"You have a fever it's okay buddy" she let out a sharp exhale
'I DONT NEED A HUMANS HELP!' He growled loudly at her again
"Well I'm sorry but you do" Y/n said and she ran at him, as he opened his mouth to fire Y/n stuck the herbs in, supposedly they were meant to sedate him and calm his fever.
Strike quickly began to sway before growling one more time and falling to the floor
"I'm sorry buddy but I had to do it for your own sake" Y/n said and placed a hand in his head, his breathing was even and so was his heart beat so she knew that the herb worked, but it only would for 20 minutes
"hiccup he's out!" She shouted and soon enough the boy and his dragon entered
"I heard all the roaring are you okay?" Hiccup said as he ran over to his girlfriend
"I'm fine, he just wasn't himself" she sighed as hiccup rubbed her back.
They began to extract the poison from the wound out of Strike's system with a syringe type thing and then they dressed his wound.
"All done" Y/n said before rubbing the back of her hand against her head to get rid of any sweat
"Now all we can do is wait, he'll be up any minute now"
They sat against the cave wall in silence for a while before Y/n asked Toothless what happened
'He got hit with an arrow while flying with his automatic tail, I think he didn't want to tell you incase it upset you' Toothless said sadly
"If he wants to use it that's fine, I just wish he would have told me what happened" the girl sighed.
They then all turned when they heard Strike start to shuffle awake
'Im so sorry Y/n' he whispered as he began to try stand
"Hey hey it's okay, just lie down the sedative will still be slightly in action" Y/n smiled after she ran over to her dragon.
'Did I hurt you?'
"No buddy it's okay, I know you didn't mean it but why didn't you tell me?" She sighed
'I didn't want you to think I hated flying with you' he said as he placed his head in her lap
"Oh Strike I would never think that if you want to fly yourself I understand that, you are a dragon after all" Y/n said, scratching Strike's head, he purred contently and fell asleep again.

Back in Berk Y/n and Hiccup lay in bed, at this point they either stayed at hers or his.
They were both about to fall asleep when they heard a roaring outside
"What are they saying?" Hiccup asked tiredly
"Nothing it's just pure pain" Y/n shot out of bed and ran to Hiccup's window trying to find the dragon that made the noise
"Strike come ere'" she whisper shouted and the dragon came over along with Hiccup, Toothless was still sleeping in the corner
"Fly us down bud" Y/n said, hoping on Strike with Hiccup getting on behind her, he had the automatic tail on so there was no need to attach a saddle.
They flew down to the ground for quickness and searched the surrounding area
" it must be in the woods" Y/n said, still atop of Strike
"I'll go get Toothless then meet yous there" Hiccup replied, running in the house.
Y/n and Strike took off
"I forgot how free it felt to not have a saddle" Y/n chuckled
'Me too' her dragon replied before getting back in task and shooting through the trees in search for a dragon.
They heard the roaring again and Strike took off towards it.
"Down there!" Y/n shouted when she saw a changing where the roaring had been. They landed near it and Y/n hopped off and slowly made her way over to the dragon whom was figuring about trying to get something out of her foot
"Easy girl I'm going to help you" Y/n spoke softly as she approached
'I know you' the dragon sighed happily and Y/n began to try pull a thorn she had found out of the dragons foot
"Yeah how's that?" She asked absentmindedly
'You saved me, I always knew you would find your gift eventually' the dragon chuckled.
Y/n thought back and eventually she did remember this particular changwing, before she had came to Berk her and Strike found the dragon with her wing trapped under a rock.
Y/n managed to get the thorn out and put some bandage around the wound
"That's you sorted but try not to do a lot of walking because it needs to heal" she smiled at the dragon
'Thank you' she said before flying off.
"Well that's my good deed done for the day" Y/n sighed and rubbed her eyes tiredly before getting on Strike and flying in search for Hiccup, when they couldn't find him they went back to his hut
"Hiccup you in here?" Y/b whisper shouted
"Up here!" Hiccup replied
Y/n walked into his room and found him sitting on the floor beside Toothless
"Nice of yous to help" Y/n laughed and placed a kiss to his forehead
"This useless reptile wouldn't wake up" he rolled his eyes and laughed slightly, the loudness of his voice earning him a smack to the face by Toothless' tail fin
"Ow!" He shouted
"Someone's obviously very tired and grumpy, let's give them some space before he does turn into the real offspring of lighting and death itself" Y/n chuckled and pulled Hiccup back into bed
"I don't see his problem" Hiccup rolled his eyes and pouted like a baby
"It's been a long day chill out, I'm sure if he thought he was really needed he'd wake up" Y/n laughed again and lay down
"Anyway the roaring came from an old friend, a changewing" Y/n said with a yawn
"No way you've trained a changwing!" Hiccup said excitedly
"Quite a few actually, remember before here I used to save dragons like a lot" Y/n laughed
"Oh yeah forgot about that" hiccup laughed nervously
"Hey that's what we should do! Find an island and map out areas and search for new dragons and stuff" he shot up in bed, but Y/n was already fast asleep.


The next morning the gang all sat eating breakfast and just chatting
"So guys, I was thinking how about we all take a trip away from Berk to like search for new species of dragons and like save them from hunters and stuff, like what Y/n done" Hiccup said awkwardly
"I'm down"
"Sounds good"
"I'll need to tell my parents first but yeah I'm down"
Hiccup smiled at all his friends approval but Y/n hadn't yet responded
"Y/n?" He questioned with worry
"I'm with you all the way Hic but yous all need to know it's dangerous out there, I had people trying to kill me all the time" she sighed
"It's okay, we are strong as a group" Hiccup smiled and placed a kiss on Y/n's head.

A few hours later everyone had informed their parents and family and it had been decided that the gang of teens would leave in the morning.
"How about  last sunset flight around Berk?" Hiccup asked, coming into Y/n's room
"Sure" she smiled and they went downstairs to find their dragons whom were okay wrestling out the front of the house
"Sunset flight guys?" Hiccup shouted to them and they both automatically stopped and ran over. Since the other day Y/n and Strike now flew with the automatic tail and without the saddle, they both felt more comfortable this way. Hiccup had tried to make one for Toothless in the past but he didn't want it which Y/n found quite cute.
"Race you!" Y/n yelled and quickly urged Strike to fly faster
"Cheater!" Hiccup yelled before trying to catch up
The race didn't last long and they ended up doing tricks through the sky and clouds, the sky was an amazing purple/pink colour and everything just felt perfect for once nothing was going wrong.
"Yeah baby!" Hiccup yelled as him and Toothkess dove towards the sea
"Woohooo!" Y/n yelled as well as she done the same thing, they circled round each other in the air and then continued diving before evening out along the water and slowing back to a glide again.

They now sat beside each other on a tall sea stack as the dragons rested beside them
"The last year and a bit have been amazing, I'm so glad I came home" Y/n smiled at her boyfriend lovingly
"I'm glad you came back too. I love you so much Y/n" he smiled before pulling her in for a kiss
"I love you too."



So that's this story over! This has probably been the longest one I have wrote and I can make a sequel if anyone wants but I'm currently beginning to write a Y/n Stark fanfiction!
I got the idea from my friend  TravalTime so go follow them!!
Thank you to everyone who has read this far ily 🫶

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