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Y/n woke up to a knock on her bedroom door, she sat up groggily and stretched her sore limbs before shouting
"Come in!"
Gobber entered and sat on the bottom of her bed, by this point Strike had rose out the corner and placed his head in Y/n's lap on top her blanket.
"Hi Gobber" The girl yawned as she rubbed her eyes
"Hi lass. We need to have a chat" the man said with a slightly downcast expression, this worried Y/n.
"What's up?" She said, still fighting the sleep that threatened to drown her
"I think it's best that we do this downstairs, with a drink and some food" the man chuckled nervously as he smiled at Y/n
"Okay" Y/n spoke with suspicion before ushering her father figure out the door and beginning to get dressed, her stomach was twisting with worry and she felt sick.
She had a very bad gut feeling.

The h/c girl walked down the stairs once she was ready with her loyal dragon following behind her, the pair walked into the kitchen area and Y/n grabbed a basket of fish for Strike before she sat down and took an apple for herself
"So what is it?" She questioned as she wiped some apple juice off her lip and on to her sleeve
"Do you want the good news or bad news first?" Gobber said as a bead of sweat dropped from his forehead
Y/n laughed nervously before she made up her mind
Gobber let out a breath he must have been holding,
"Your parents are alive. They sent a note." He exhaled deeply
Y/n just stared at him, tears forming in her eyes as a smile made its way to her lips. She didn't know what to say or think. They left her but surely they had a reason?
"And the bad?" She mumbled after pulling her emotions together
"They are being held hostage. The ransom is you."


Y/n glided through the skies from Strike's back, she lay down on her own back and let out a yell, she was full of so many emotions yet again and she just had to let it all out.
Strike gave a worried coo to which his rider responded
"It's okay boy, I'll work it out" she was more or less just trying to convince herself but she needed to so badly.
After Gobber had told her the news she didn't wait to find out anything else, Y/n stormed out the house as warm tears slid down her icy cheeks, leaving the old man not knowing what to do.
Y/n just wished Hiccup was here but he was busy with his father all day doing chief and dragon stuff, Y/n didn't really pay attention and she didn't want to have to hunt the whole island to find her boyfriend.
She just had to get away.
"What do you say buddy, want to go a little trip somewhere for a few days?" She sighed as she sat back up and scratched her dragon's head, he gave an unsure noise making Y/n decide she had to even out the pros and cons,
"Okay so if I go we get time alone and can mess about like we used to, you know save some dragons and maybe get in a few fights without being told I'm a monster and the cons are well no one would know where we are and I do not want a search party coming for me" she huffed, shuddering at the thought.

flashback age 5–

Y/n stood just inside the hut door with her parents, the mood was heavy and no one quite knew what to say
"How long will yous be gone?" Y/n spoke softly as tears made there way down her rosy cheeks
"2 weeks at most" her father smiled softly as her mother tried to hide salty tears.
"Can I have one more hug before you go?" The little girl cried
"Of course honey"
They stood embracing each other but it didn't feel long enough.
A knock came to the door and a large man that Y/n had seen with her friend Hiccup entered
"The boat is ready, goodbye" he smiled and everyone said final goodbyes before Y/n's parents headed to the docks.
They never returned.

flashback over—

Y/n let herself cry as the memory resurfaced, that was the last time she saw them and all the grief had stuck with her for years.
Hiccup helped her back then so surely he would know what to do now.
"To Berk Strike"
They landed outside the great hall, Hiccup wasn't in his house or wondering the streets so she assumed he was here.
When she opened the door she realised it wasn't lunch it was a meeting with the council, she turned to leave quickly but they had noticed her
"Something wrong lass?" Stoick said with a knowing expression
"No" she tried to lie but it was no use her face was puffy and her eyes bloodshot.
She ran down the stairs in front of the hall before she heard a voice call to her
Hiccup ran down the stairs but tripped a few from the bottom,making him face plant only 50 yards from Y/n
They both let out a small laugh before things got serious.
"What's wrong?" Hiccup asked kindly as he walked to Y/n
"My parents are alive" Y/n said bluntly
"Is that not good?" Hiccup asked quietly
"They are being held hostage and the ransom is, me." She burst into tears and through herself into Hiccup's arms.
"Hey shh it's okay, we'll work it out. We always do" he said with a concerned expression as he rubbed circles in Y/n's back.
"How?" She said before pulling away. Hiccup's heart ached seeing how defeated Y/n looked.
She was never like this and he didn't even have a plan to help her.

Later on they told the gang as they sat in the arena, everyone gave Y/n their apologies for what was going on as she sat with Strike beside her, rubbing his scales in an attempt to calm herself.
"It not any of your fault, I just feel like since I came back here everything has went wrong. A year ago I would have just went in and killed everyone who held my parents captive, now I'm not so sure" she said with a defeated sigh before getting up and motioning for Strike to follow her out the arena.
"Y/n wait!" Hiccup yelled as he went to chase after the girl
"Hiccup I think she needs some time alone" Astrid said sadly as she stared off in the detection Y/n went.
They all sat and tried to make a plan in the following hours
"Can we not just like- blow them up?" Tuffnut suggested with a shrug
"They might kill Y/n's parents if we cause a commotion, I think it should be a stelth mission" Fishlegs said as he looked over maps for a possible area they could be.
Hiccup just sat in silence leaning beside Toothless, he couldn't think of anything and it was annoying him.
He always had a plan
"Come on bud"
They left as everyone's eyes followed but no one dared to go with him, he needed some time to think and they all knew that.

Hiccup somehow found himself looking for his dad, if anyone knew what to do it would be him.
Hiccup entered his hut and called out
"Dad? Are you in here?" As he walked through into the seating area, looking around for any signs of his fathers presence
"Yes, what is it son?" Stoick said, appearing out of nowhere behind Hiccup. The boy let out a startled yell before calming down
"Sorry you scared me" he sighed as he rubbed his eyes tiredly
"It's okay? Are you okay?" Stoick said with worry, he already knew about Y/n's birth parents since Gobber had told him
"Truthfully no.. I can't think of a plan to get Y/n's parents back. Up until a few hours ago I honestly thought they were dead" he sighed again, slumping onto a chair
"It's alright son, none of us knew and I'm sure you will work it out." The buff man spoke reassuringly
"I hope so."

Y/n found herself in the skies for the second time that day, her and Strike glided through the clouds before peacefully flying downwards.
They spotted a ship.
"Strike high alert" she said cautiously as they approached from the air
Arrows came in all derections, too many to avoid them all, one hit Strike's tail and they plummeted towards an island
"Hold on buddy! Come on we can make it!" Y/n yelled fearfully as they dropped at rapid speeds.


A/n sorry it's been a while I am on holiday so having had slot of time (or motivation) to write

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