The Ceremony

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"...May they rest with the Valkeries in Valhalla forever more" Gobber finished his second of the speech and then Y/n began hers
"I never really knew my family but in the time I spent with them I knew they were good people. They saw the best in me. I was given the option to go with them and be the next chieftess of my home island but I refused and came back here, I don't know if I will live to regret that." She choked back a sob and lit her arrow before firing it onto the boat which the rest of her biological family lay upon, soon hundreds of arrows also hit the boat and her family were layed to rest.
Hiccup ran up and hugged her as she cried into his chest.
After awhile she pulled away and spoke 2 words which held more strength than the strongest of Vikings
"I'm ready"
Once the ceremony was over they went back to Y/n's house, the rest of Berk we're in the great hall celebrating the life of her family but she just didn't feel like it, she had to drink the water.
They ran up stairs with dragons following en suite and Y/n picked up the vile from her desk
"Are you sure you want this?" Hiccup asked, placing his right arm around Y/n's shoulder
"Yes" she took the water like a shot and then everything went dizzy and her ears started to ring, she could hear Hiccup shouting her name and the talking no - roars of dragons, she felt so close but she couldn't reach them, her lungs burned as if she was drowning and everything went white.


"Where am I?" Y/ b asked herself as she awoke, her head was pounding and her ears still slightly rung
"Do you not remember me?" A fimiliar voice spoke but she never knew who it was, until it clicked
"The dragon queen.." Y/n whispered
"you're right my child, and the fact you are here shows me you have the gift. Bad things are coming and you need to use your gift wisely" The large dragon spoke, Y/n looked around but she couldn't see anyone
"What is coming? How do I stop it?" She shouted out into the nothing ness
"You need to find that out on your own" the queen laughed and Y/n started rapidly falling
"No wait please!" She yelled
She was falling, falling, falling
"Y/n!!" Someone shouted no wait 3 people shouted
She woke up back on the floor of her room, surrounded by her boyfriend and 2 dragons. Her head was spinning
"Water please.." she croaked hoping Hiccup could hear.
He passed her a glass of water and she downed it
"What happened you just passed out?" Hiccup said with worry written all over his features
"I saw the queen again" the girl murmured, sitting up against the bed frame
'Can you understand us?' A deep voice asked
"W-who said that?" Y/n shouted
"Y/n it was just strike purring, you're okay" hiccup tried to reason with the girl but her mind was going a million miles a minute
"N-no he spoke to me" she ripped hairs out her head and he dragon hated thinking he was the reason for this
'Calm down it's okay, I've always been able to understand you, it was just a matter of time until you could understand us' Strike said, placing his head in Y/n's lap, she tensed for a minute but soon relaxed and stroked her dragon's head.

—hiccup PoV—

I sat confused as Y/n done what I assumed was talking to both our dragons
"Want to fill me in?" I laughed
"Oh yeah sorry, it's just insane to know all this stuff" Y/n sighed happily and scooted over closer to me, Toothless lay on one side of me and Y/n sat at the other, Strike was then on the outside of Y/n
"Is it too soon to ask what Toothless thinks of me?" I laughed, scratching under his chin, he let out a series of purrs and grumbled which I assumed was him talking to Y/n
"He loves you and would die for you but you can be annoying sometimes. You're like his little brother and he knows he needs to protect you, and that you will protect him" Y/n smiled and brought her arm around me
"Thanks bud" I smiled at my dragon.
"Hey hiccup?" Y/n said after a few minutes of silence
She looked at me for a moment before continuing sadly
"I know it might be hard but please don't tell anyone about this, I don't want people knowing just incase" she said with a sad smile
"I won't, don't worry" I smiled back at her, bringing her in for a soft kiss.

—3rd person PoV—

Hiccup woke up in Y/n's bed while the girl was still sleeping, he took in all her beautiful features like how her h/c hair sat perfectly and her small freckles sat in her skin in a perfect pattern (if you don't have freckles you do now lol) after a while of just being lost in though he watched silently as her amazing e/c orbs opened and her soft, thin lips curved into a smile
"Morning handsome"
"Morning beautiful "
They leaned in for a kiss but then moments later regretted it
"Morning breath" they both laughed contently, opting for a hug instead
'Keep it PG' a voice said from the corner of the room
"Oh shut up Strike" Y/n laughed, of course to Hiccup it sounded like a growl so he asked what was up
"He said to keep it PG" Y/n laughed and soon Hiccup joined in
"Strike we are literally just hugging" the boy said before getting up out the bed and walking over to where the dragons rested and petting each of them on the head.
Y/n then got up as well and put some clothes on, Hiccup had went downstairs with Toothless at this point
"I'm so happy we came back" Y/n sighed happily, sitting beside her dragon
'Me too' he purred
"Remember when you tried to kill Hiccup all those months ago, now your best turned with his dragon and don't deny it you love haddock like a brother" Y/n smiled
'Stop being so sappy' Strike growled jokingly and hit Y/n lightly with his tail.
They laughed and got up, going downstairs to get some breakfast, after all Hiccup and Gobber were good cooks
"Morning lass" Gobber said as Y/n and Strike entered the kitchen area
"Morning Gobber" Y/n smiled, she actually felt happy. She could tell it was going to be a good day.


A/n okay so I kinda just decided that she was going to be able to speak to them since in my last story people kind of liked that idea also this story is over an hour and a half long and I'm still not done so if you're reading this thank you so much for sticking in this far!! 🩷🩷
I write because I enjoy it, not for the reads, nice comments or votes but when I DO get them it makes my day so thank you to everyone who has supported me through my writing journey 🤍



I have made some VERY questionable decisions in the last 6 months of my fanfiction writing journey so thank you to those who have stuck by and read
(If I have tagged the wrong people I'm so sorry and I will remove any one who wishes to be)

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