The day i left.

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Y/n stood in the forest with her newly found friend Strike and her best friend Hiccup.
Y/n had no family and as a young yin Gobber took her in and raised her as if his own.
"Hiccup why in Thors name would you tell them about Strike!" The girl yelled through the harsh snow storm as her dragon growled lowly beside her
"Because I needed to impress my father Y/n!" The small boy shouted back
"You gave away our secret to get a little bit of credit in this shitty village!" She girls rage grew harsher as did the snow that fell around the pair, tears stained each of their cheeks for different reasons.
"Y/n I'm sorry! Please I will try fix this" Hiccup said between sobs
"You've done enough!"
And with that she took off, flying as snow slid down in her burning cheeks. Her friend had betrayed her, she had no one now except her loving companion whom everyone else seemed to see as a beast, even the boy she once could have loved.

After flying for an hour the storm got far too strong and the pair had to land on an island, they found a cave and called it home for the night, this is where they would live for the next 4 years.

4 years later

Y/n walked through the northern markets with her helmet and full suit of armour on, she couldn't risk being seen by the men that were hunting her down so it was better safe than sorry, the sun was out and the skies were clear, over all it was a nice day to do a bit of shopping - well stealing.
Y/n walked passed stalls carefully slipping things into her satchel that she held around her hip, she stopped to look at fruit and couldn't help but hear information about the village she once called home
"I heard the chiefs boy has made peace with a night fury"
"Well I heard he got his leg bit off by one"
"I heard that they save other dragons now"
Y/n was interested in what was actually going on and her curiosity got the better of her so after slipping a few grapes and a bit of fish into her bag she headed back to the forest to find her dragon.
As she entered the tree line she whistled for him, soon enough he came bounding over like a puppy, with pleading eyes awaiting his meal.
Y/n laughed and threw the fish at her oversized dog and he caught it and gobbled it down
"Come on buddy, we're heading to Berk" she chirped, hopping on.
Strike shook her off and growled
"Whattt it doesn't hurt to have a little check on how their doing, besides I've missed Gobber let's go" she laughed,
Strike growled again and turned around to face the opistit way
"Strike come on boy" Y/n sighed as she petted his back, he just rolled his eyes and went back to stsring into the distance
"Fine I'll go myself then" Y/n said with a sly smile as she began walking in the detection of the islands docks.
Her dragon turned around and picked her up by her armour, throwing her on and taking off
"I knew you'd come around" she laughed as she gave the big guy a pat, he just mumbled
"Right strike enough of the attitude" she chuckled and the dragon finally seemed to lighten up
"High hoa high hoa, it's off to berk we go" she said in a singsongy voice as the raced through the skies, high enough to touch the fluffy clouds.
Soon enough Berk came into view, and sure enough there was all different types of dragons flying around peacefully or well it looked like it from where she was. Despite this she still had a nervous pit in her stomach. What if she ran into him?


A/n short little prologue type thing for yous, don't worry next chapter will be longer lol

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