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Y/n and Alice had been flying for a couple days and we're set to reach Berk soon,
"So where are you from?" Y/n asked
Alice pondered for a moment deciding if she should tell her
"I'm from Krogiař but I swear I'm not like them" she sighed
"I don't even know where that is to be honest, and you are one of the nicest girls I've met" Y/n smiled at her
"Thank you, I can say the same about you"
They stayed in slight conversation for a while b but suddenly both dragons became alert and started growling
"What's wrong? Do you see anythi-" Alice began to ask but she was cut off when arrows shot at them
"Go go go!" y/n shouted and she urged Strike on, thankfully they made it out but Alice and Midnight weren't as lucky
"Y/n!" The girl yelled as her and her dragon plummeted to the deck of a ship, caught in a net
"I'm coming!" Y/n yelled back, her and Strike quickly flew down and landed on the ship's deck
"Let her go right now!" She yelled at the Vikings on board who just laughed at her
"You really think I would listen to a girl?" One of them said, earning laughs from the rest
"Maybe not but my dragon's fire might make you change your mind" she shrugged and Strike's mouth lit up, this was enough time to destruct them so Alice could cut her and Midnight out. The Vikings looked taken aback but didn't give up
"You know, these 2 will make a hefty price at the auction" one of the men said with a grin
"Hmmm nope I don't think so" Y/n replied with a cold laugh before jumping on Strike, taking to the air and cutting the ropes that help up the ships sail, causing it to fall on the men.
They thrashed about underneath
"Plasma blast Midnight!" Alice yelled and Midnight done so, setting the sail on fire.
They all took off
"Wow that was close, thanks for saving us" Alice sighed
"No worries, now come on we are nearly there" Y/n smiled and they all sped up a bit towards Berk.

The island was in view and Y/b felt so much joy go through her system, she hadn't been here in nearly 2 months and she missed everyone so so much she just hoped they still loved her and didn't hate her for what she did, suddenly she was really nervous
"You okay?" Alice questioned
"Yeah I'm good oh and maybe we should land at my house I'm not too sure how they will react to another night fury" Y/n suggested
" sounds good"
They landed at Y/n's back door and she walks in, not expecting anyone to be there but to her surprise Gobber and Hiccup were, she held a hand up for Alice and the dragons to stop so she could listen in
"I can't do this without her" Hiccup sighed and paced the room
"She'll be back soon" Gobber tried
"She left me! What if she hates me now!" Hiccup shouted
"Sorry I didn't mean to shout" he sat down and Toothless sat with him
"I don't hate you" Y/n said as she entered the room
"Y/n oh my Thor!" Hiccup jumped up and pressed his lips to hers before Gobber cleared his throat and reminded them it wasn't just them in the room, causing their faces to go bright red
"I've missed you so much"
"I've missed you too and you Gobber" y/n smiled
"We've all missed you too lass now who's the girl with the dragons" Gobber asked as he raised a brow
"That is Alice and her night fury Midnight" Y/n smiled and brung Alice in as she stood awkwardly smiling
"Oh my gods another night fury!" Hiccup exclaimed and ran over a bit too fast, earning a growl from Midnight
"Sorry sorry I just can't believe this!" Hiccup exclaimed again
"Me neither!" Alice smiled.

A couple hours later Y/n had introduced Alice to everyone and it was safe to say everyone loved her and her dragon - especially Fishlegs, currently Y/n and Hiccuo were catching up in his room since Y/n fecided to stay there the night
"Wow that's a lot to take in" Hiccup sighed as he ran his hands through his hair
"Trust me I know" Y/n shook her head
" so why didn't you drink from the stream to talk to dragons?" Hiccup asked after a few moments of silence
"If I did I couldn't come back to Berk" Y/n shrugged
"You chose us over being able to talk to dragons?" Hiccup said with his mouth littlery hanging open
"You're going to catch flies Haddock" Y/n laughed
" sorry it's just, I just love you so so much"
"I love you too Hiccup"

Y/n awoke in Hiccup's room alone - well not alone as both dragon's were there
"Hiccup?!" She shouted earring a tired glare from each dragon
"Sorry guys" she laughed sheepishly.
Y/n put on her armour, her prosthetic and put her hair in a loose pleat before going down stairs to be met with Stoick
"Goodmorning Stoick, have you seen Hiccup?" She asked tiredly
"Morning. Out at the arena I think lass" he smiled and Y/n said her thanks and went to find her boyfriend.
Approaching the arena she saw the fimiliar messy mop of brunnette hair and she quickened her pace.
"Hello milady" Hiccuo smiled as Y/n came up to him, kissing her on the day
" morning handsome" she smiled back
"So why you here so early?" Y/n questioned
"Kids dragon lesson is about to begin. Feel free to help they're such a handful" he laughed lightly
" okay I guess but if any of them get set on fire it's not my fault" she laughed along with him

eventful dragon training kid thing time skip—

"So hows Alicia getting on, I haven't seen her?" Y/n questioned as she sipped on some water in the forge
"Good I think, she's been with Fishlegs a lot" Hiccup shrugged
"I see some chemistry between they too" Y/n laughed
" oh for sure!"


should y/n speak to dragons or not please leave a comment suggesting!!
Ps I wrote this very tired so sorry if it's really bad aha

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