A new way of life

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It had been a week since Y/n got captured and she had adjusted to the whole one leg thing quite well but she was deeply grieving her parents again after everything and no one could help her, the first day after she awoke she messed about in the skies with Hiccup and she was so happy but after that everything just went upside down.
She no longer saw the point in life.
The past 2 days she hadn't ate and had just drank water which Strike brought to her from a bucket. He was the only one Y/n let in her room.
She regretted coming to Berk and couldn't deny that.. she loved Hiccup but if she hadn't came back maybe her and Strike would still have all their limbs and then she wouldn't have had to go through the grief again but she just couldn't help but wonder if her parents were actually still out there.

"Y/n you need to eat, please" Hiccup called from outside her room door
"Go away" Y/n replied with no emotion
"No" Hiccup replied blankly before breaking through the door
"Leave me alone" Y/n sighed, not coming out from under her covers, Strike tried to push Hiccup out the door, growling at him
"Please let me help her" he whispered to the dragon pleadingly.
He let the boy past.
Hiccup sat on Y/n's bed
"Y/n just talk to me please. What's wrong?" His heart ached when Y/n came up from under the covers and he saw how pale and weak she looked
"There's nothing to talk about" she said but a crack in her voice gave it away
"Okay fine Hiccup I'll talk! Coming back to this stupid island has been horrible! I had had to go through so much pain and gained nothing from it!" She yelled
"Y-you don't really mean that" Hiccup choked on his own words
"Listen Hiccup, I need to leave. I can't stay here and you can come or you can stay. That's your decision to make" Y/n sighed
"Then I'm coming" Hiccup spoke again before getting up out the bed and grabbing Y/n her prosthetic, he saddled up Strike while the girl put it on and then they were ready to leave.

They had been flying for about 2 hours and Hiccup really began to regret his decision, he would have a village to run one day and he left all his friends behind
"Y/n I can't come with you" he sighed
"I know" she smiled sadly at him
"So why did you bring me out here?" He questioned
"I just wanted to fly with you for a while to make up my mind.. I can't leave Hiccup, I can't leave Berk and I really can't leave you not forever anyway" she smiled again before continuing
"I am going to find my parents though" she finished
"I'll help you find them" Hiccup suggested quietly
"No Hiccup, I need to do this alone. Just remember I love you, so much" she felt the salty tears begin to run down her cheeks, this could be the end of everything
"Please let me come, we can just come back to Berk once a week" he said rapidly
"I can't get far enough in a week. Hiccup I promise I'll be back soon I just need to search for them in my own" she said through tears
"But you just said you can't leave?" Hiccup questioned as tears now flooded his face too
"I said I can't leave forever. I will come back to you my love. Tell everyone I've gone but make sure they know I'm not leaving for good. I love you" she smiled sadly
"I love you too"
They stared at each other for a few moments before Y/n urged Strike to fly east, the opposite way of Berk.

—1 month later—

"Ugh I swear we are never going to find them!" Y/n said as she angrily threw her ax into a tree just beside Strike, earring a growl from the dragon
"Sorry bud, I should be more careful" she sighed before sitting next to him.
"It's just we've been looking for like a month, I'm convinced we won't find anything" Y/n said as she flipped through yet another book of Tribe symbols to try find the one of the ship she was captured on to- if anyone knew anything about her parents it would be them.
"I'm gonna go into the village, you coming?" She questioned and her dragon got up with a yawn before following her.
They had been staying on this island for the past 2 weeks and the vikings there were kind enough to take her in, and let her send a terror mail to Berk, she just hoped they got it.

They entered the inn which they had been living in and got to work reading and reading
"Veiror, Flarento, Reinodor, bleh bla bleh, Kiertoni.. oh my Thor! I found it Strike!" Y/b exclaimed excitedly, she had finally found the tribe's symbol
"Okay it says the place is called Gralorř and it's like a days flight away from here, yes!" Y/n shuffled excitedly.
She lay in her bed for hours trying to get to sleep but she just couldn't so she grabbed her stuff, woke Strike up and left, leaving a note at the inn reception.
They flew for hours and eventually decided to take a break
"Strike land down there buddy" Y/n said, pointing in the direction of a small island, she put her mask on right before she landed just incase any one that may have an issue with her was here, after all they were only like 3 hours away from Gralorř.
"High alert bud" she whispered as they came to what seemed to be markets, usually she would tell Strike to wait in the forest but this place seemed to have dragons because there was a saddle stall so she didn't mind
"Hello miss, can I help you with anything?" A nice looking woman from behind a stall asked with a smile
"No thank you, I'm just having a look" Y/n smiled back
"Your dragon is gorgeous wow, what breed is he?" A small boy then said from beside the woman before beginning to walk towards Strike whom let out a low growl which took the boy aback a bit
"Sorry about that, he's a bit too protective sometimes" she laughed with embarrassment shooting her dragon a death glare
"It's okay, what type is he?" The boy asked again, Y/n was a bit confused on why the boy kept asking but she answered nonetheless
"He is a skrill crossed with a night fury, his name's Strike and I found him when I was 12" she smiled but her smile was soon changed to a face of fear when the woman from the stall held a sword towards her
"Woah! What's going on!" She held her hands up in surrender
"I'm sorry but you can't leave.. they need you" the woman said sadly
"Too bad, Strike NOW!" She yelled and quickly jumped onto Strike and they took off as arrows followed them
"Holy Thor what just happened" Y/n said as she ran her hands through her tangled hair
"One minute everyone was nice and they next they were trying to kill us?!" She shouted as she lay back on her dragon and gently stroked his wing, he let out a quiet purr and they continued flying towards the island they were trying to get to, although now Y/n didn't know if she should go. But she still had to save her parents if they were there.

This one hurt to write ngl kinda sad

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