Friends again

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The next morning Y/n walked down stairs and was met with her father figure sitting at the table
"Good morning lass" Gobber said in a cheery tone
"Mornin'" Y/n replied as she took an apple out a bowl and got a basket of fish out the other room for Strike
"something up?" The one leg and armed men questioned
"Nope" Y/n replied before taking a bite of her apple
"are you sure? You look a bit erm-"
"Gobber I'm fine!" She huffed before stomping out the door with Strike quickly following behind her.
She stormed towards the forge so she could take her mind off things. She felt like she had ruined everything cause Hiccup didn't agree with her decision but she still didn't regret it one bit. That man had hurt her both physically and mentally for a year of her life.
Entering the forge she saw a familiar brunette sitting making something, this caused Y/n to quickly spin on her heal and go for a flight with Strike instead but when she was in the air she then saw Astrid and before she knew it Astrid began to try catch up to her
'Ugh why are people everywhere today!' She thought to herself as her and Strike raced through the clear skies. Her poor dragon seemed worried about his rider but that was now the issue for this moment.
"Y/n wait!" Astrid shouted over the wind.
Y/n gave up and slowed down since she wouldn't be able to loose the stubborn blonde anyway
"Astrid if you're here lecture me go away" she huffed
"no I'm actually here to say well done" the blonde smiled
"What for?" Y/n replied with confusion
"It takes courage to do what you done, you stood up to a past abuser and you looked so badass!" She grinned with a slight laugh
"Thank you" Y/n laughed as well
"What's Hiccup thinking of it now?" Astrid questioned
"Don't know I haven't spoke to him" Y/n sighed
"Maybe you should, he should understand you literally saved the village he will one day be chief of," Astrid said, thinking aloud
"Yeah the worst that can happen is I get like banished or something oh well" Y/n laughed.
They sped up and raced back to Berk, landing in front of the forge again.
Walking in Hiccup was still tinkering with something, he heard someone come in so he stopped what he was doing and looked up
"oh hi Y/n" he said nervously
"Hey Hiccup" Y/n replied.
They sat in an awkward silence for a few moments before they both tried to speak
I wanted to-"
They both laughed
"You first" Hiccup smiled
"I just wanted to say I understand why you reacted the way you did. Killing is never the answer but sometimes you need to do it and the way I live I have had to a few times and at the end of the day we ride dragons and they most likely have killed before. It's natural for them." She smiled sadly and sat beside Hiccup.
"I wanted to say sorry Y/n. When you showed me those scars it put what you had been put through into perspective" he sighed and hugged her.
"It's okay you didn't know," she smiled
"So how about that dragon queen, got more information?" Hiccup said with a smirk
Y/n explained how since she's the only
Person she knows of that's made it to the island they probably should just leave the queen alone and Hiccup agreed even though he wanted to see it so so badly.

Everyone sat in the great hall yet again eating dinner
"Didn't think you would show up" Snotlout said to Y/n between mouthfuls
She just shot him a glare and that quickly shut him up
"Y/n and Astrid I challenge yous to a hand in hand combat battle" Tuffnut suddenly chipped in
The girls spoke with slight laughter
"You know.. to see who's stronger" he said before him and his twin head butted each other.
There was a lot of agreement and the girls decided it would be fun so they headed to the arena.
Just before they began Hiccup suddenly spoke
"Wait Y/n! Are you sure about this?"
"Yeah Why? Do you think I'll loose?" She laughed
"N-no I just don't want to see you get hurt" he stuttered
"Well that's cute, but I won't" she laughed again before going back to Astrid.
After a countdown from Fishlegs, the pair began to fight.
They circled each other before Astrid took the first swing, aiming to punch Y/n in her stomach. The blonde missed and Y/n rolled to the side and tripped up Astrid but Astrid got up quickly and kicked Y/n in the back, sending her plummeting forward but then the h/c girl done a roll and landed in her feet again.
They continued doing moves like this for another 30 minutes before Hiccup shouted out
"Okay this is gonna go on forever just call it a draw!" With a laugh
The girls stopped and shrugged before shaking hands and walking out the arena together laughing, both had broke a bit of a sweat so they were headed to Y/n's for some water and a quick snack.

They decided tonight was gonna be a girls night so they ended up both just staying at Y/n's and gossiping for most of the night
"Oh my Thor! Did you see Hiccup's face when Tuff suggested we should fight!" Y/n said as she flung herself back on the bed in laughter
"Oh my gods I know! It was like he thought we were gonna kill each other!" Astrid laughed back
"He's such a dork" Y/n said a few moments later once they had both calmed down
"I know.. can I tell you something but you need to promise not to tell anyone!" Astrid said with a fake glare
"Yeah girl go for it" Y/n smiled
"When I was with Hiccup I did like him but to be honest I just thought if I got closer to him I'd become good with dragons too" the blonde girl sighed
"You're great with dragons! And trust me Hiccup is not all that good" Y/n laughed
"I feel bad though like of course I did like him but I don't think I ever loved him.. sorry I know he's your boyfriend" Astrid said with a sad smile
"Hey it's okay to not know how you felt  and no worries this is girl talk boys don't affect it" Y/n said with an encouraging smile
"Thank you Y/n"
"No problem"
They lay down and went to sleep.

The next morning after waking up and getting dressed both girls headed to the arena where they were to meet the rest of the gang.
Walking in it was only Hiccup and Fishlegs there so far and they were geeking out about something
"What are you dorks going on about?" Y/n questioned with a laugh
"Well we have just added Strike to the book of dragons!" Fishlegs stated with a grin
"Took yous long enough" Y/n joked once they reached the boys.
Strike bounded along side her as she went next to Hiccup
"So why were we all to meet here?" Astrid questioned
"I was thinking about going for like a group fly somewhere?" Hiccup suggested and just as he was done the rest of the group appeared and agreed with his statement.
They headed into the air and raced and messed about for a while before they calmed down to a glide and decided to land on an island.

After a while of scouting out the island in groups (Fishlegs and Astrid, the twins and Snotlout and Hiccup and Y/n) Strike bolted off ahead of his group
"Strike wait up boy!" Y/n shouted, her dragon just gave a worried roar and continued galloping through the woods
"Hiccup he's never done this before!" Y/n said as she began to chase after her dragon
"It's okay, he must have a reason" Hiccup reassured her as he also ran.
Eventually they caught up to the anxious dragon
"What's wrong buddy?" Y/n asked softly as she approached her dragons whom was pacing anxiously with his eyes in slits
"Y/n be careful, he's not himself" Hiccup whisper shouted
"I know my dragon Hiccup!" Y:n whisper shouted back
"Strike it's just me, you're okay" she cooed as she slowly approached her agitated pet.
He stopped pacing and let out a low growl at her which threw Y/n off a bit but she continued, Hiccup was ready to defend Y/n if he had to
"Easy boy.. you're okay" Y/n said as she continued to approach, her dragon let out a another warning growl before turning to face her and finally calming back down
"That's it, good boy" Y/n said as she patted her dragon whom was panting heavily
"What's wrong buddy?" She questioned.
Strike just looked into the distance and roared, receiving a distressed roar back
"Hiccup.. something out there is hurt" Y/n said as her face dropped.
Without a word they both got on their dragons and followed the roaring.

A/n: if you're a girl you will understand the deep night talks!!

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