Chapter 57: Family

Start from the beginning

"Of course, who else would take your bags?" I got out of the car with a grin, and as I stood in front of the hood, her door began to open. "Lexi." I said warningly and she closed back the door.

I opened them for her with a smile.

"I really don't understand why you insist on this." She shook her head and got out of the car.

"It's a nice gesture." I grabbed her hand and intertwined my fingers with her. "And I feel useful."

She rolled her eyes but had a smile on her face. "Fine, you can still open the door for me."

"Perfect." I opened the door to her house and stood by the stairs.

"It'll be just a second." She stood on her tiptoes and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"You have time, no need to rush." I let go of her hand and watched her walk away from me up the stairs.

"Are you leaving already?" I heard that annoying voice that belonged to her father who had just walked into the living room from the kitchen.

All happiness and joy flew straight out the window.

"Yes." I said harshly.

I spent more time in this house in the last month than in my apartment. Whenever Lexi and I ate in the kitchen or came downstairs, he was there trying to talk to us.

Lexi, a wonderful woman with a heart of gold, is slowly forgiving him.

But I'm not Lexi.

I hate him. I will never forgive him for what he did to the woman I love. When me and Lexi get married, there is no way I'm letting him walk down the aisle with her. No, she'll go with either her mother or one of the guys. Or alone, but she won't go with him.

It takes everything in me not to punch him every time I see his hideous face.

There is nothing he can do to change my mind about him. He can go to meetings for alcoholics, get a job, cook and clean. He could have laid the moon and the whole sky at Lexi's feet and I would never forget what he did. Just because it's in the past doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Are you sure it's not just because you didn't have a chance to treat your own father like that? Show him every day how you hate him for everything he's done to you. You and your siblings?

Shut up.

"And the cat?" He spoke again.

"He's staying with my neighbor." With Zack, who by the way no longer has blue hair, but faint pink. I won't lie, it suits him. I told him that out loud once and he won't let me forget it.

"Oh good." He nodded. After a moment of silence, which I didn't mind at all, he let out a heavy breath and I knew he was going to say something again. Why doesn't he just stay quiet? "Look. I understand you don't like me, but..."

"There is no but." I turned to him. "I don't like you and I never will. Just deal with it and save us both some time."

"You won't even do it for Lexi?"

I already hit him in my head. How dare he use her against me?

"She would like to see that we get along, don't you get it? It would make her happy. Don't want her to be..."

"Watch your tongue, old man," I said between my teeth. "The only reason you're not in the hospital with broken bones is because I don't want to upset Lexi. Try to use her happiness against me one more time and..."

"I'm trying to fix everything, why can't you see?" He started to look cranky. "I'm trying to change."

"If you weren't an asshole, you wouldn't have to fix anything." I took a step towards him, suddenly standing face to face. "I don't know where this sudden attempt to change came from, but I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. Just so you know, that will never change. You should be thankful that Lexi is staying here. But hurt her one more time..."

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