Side Chapter: Forming The Family Of Today! Mother And Father's Origins! PT 1.

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"father, i never asked, but how did you meet mother?" you asked, you're 10 year old self tightly gripping the knife in hand.

"what's got you so curious all of a sudden?" he asked, looking down at you and taking the knife, placing it on the side.

you looked up at him, the same emotionless, dead eyes as always.

"i'm not curious."

"right. anyway, i'll tell you!"

"make it short, i have no times to listen to your ramblings."


he didn't miss the small smile that appeared and faded just as quick.

"anyway, so it went like this."


"back home! back back back home!" he fumbled with the key, unlocking the door and opening it up. "let's just hope my dad ain't here."

he walked into the building.

the lights were off, but being the teenage man he was, he was undisturbed by the darknes-

"you were terrified weren't you?"

"Okay i might have been! but let me tell you the story okay!?"


his shaking figure made it's way through the dark house.

"why didn't you turn the lights on?"

"i was an idiot."


'little prick-'

making his way into the living room, he sighed.

"thank god there's no sppooookyyy ghooosssstss."

he moved his head to the right, turning the light on.

the Tv was on.

bottles of liquor littered the floor.

"oh for fuck sake."

"shut up! fucking kid..."

he raised his middle finger at the wall, no doubt the man he was chatting to was beyond it.

"fuck off prick!"

"oi! you little cunt! the fuck did you just say!?"

"nothing! it's probably your meds...AGAIN!"

' i swear he never fucking takes them.'

"yeah whatever."

picking up and discarding the liquor bottles, he made his way to the fridge, spotting the small container of pills.

he opened them.

"as i thought, as full as a whore."

he sighed, placing the container back down and opening the fridge.

"where the fuck is my food!?" a voice boomed throughout the house.


"don't give me that attitude!"


however, a sinister smirk made it's way onto his face.

'i'll give you something to die for.'

he grabbed what he needed from the fridge, or even the freezer, and got to work, turning the stove on and grabbing a kettle to warm up some water for his father's coffee.

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