Chapter 16: Nathan

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Nathan waited in the forest for Gabriel to meet him. He impatiently looked around for him, but he couldn't find him.

"Fuck!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. "Come out of hiding already and face me, you piece of shit!"

"That's not very nice." Gabriel's voice echoed through the dark woods.

"Gabriel, I'm not playing. Come out and face me! Or are you too chicken?"

Nathan asked. An evil grin crept across his face as he smiled ear to ear.

"You know, I'm friends with your daddy, and I know he wouldn't be happy to see you come back from the dead."

"Oh, really?" Gabriel asked him. Now, his voice was right behind Nathan. He turned his head and faced Gabriel.

"Yes. It was all over the news that you had died in the hospital due to a "serious attack." Did you turn your brother into a vampire too?" Nathan asked him.

"No, my father did."

"Which father?" Nathan's smile frew bigger. Gabriel suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

"I'm not telling you."

"That's because I already know. Man! Your real parents are going to freak out once they find out that not only are you a vampire, but you abandoned your own family." Nathan pretended to gasp dramatically and put a hand over his chest.

"Shut up. You're all talk." Gabriel said angrily.

He clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. Nathan saw his hands and laughed.

"Or what? What are you gonna do? I'm a werewolf. Don't even try to fuck with me!" Nathan taunted while beginning to shove him over and over.

Gabriel snapped and shoved him back. "Stop it. I'm warning you."

"Fuck you!" Nathan screamed and punched his nose. Gabriel staggered backward and felt that his nose was bleeding. He looked back up at Nathan and tackled him to the ground, sending multiple punches onto Nathan's face.

Nathan had enough and rolled over until he was the one on top of Gabriel. He slashed into Gabriel's face with his werewolf claws. Gabriel screamed in agony and held onto his now bleeding face and quickly got up. He stared into Nathan's eyes with a look of rage mixed with fear.

Both men circled each other, waiting for each other to make the next move. Gabriel had a hand over his face. His left eye was damaged, and there were four large scratch marks across his face from his left ear to the right side near his chin. His lip was partially ripped open. Gabriel was bleeding heavily already, and he knew he had to run, but he also had to stop Nathan from telling his biological father that his own sons are vampires.

Nathan made another move and scratched Gabriel's chest, slashing through his shirt and drawing more blood. Gabriel screamed again and fought back, kicking and punching him. Gabriel was about to lose strength, but he used the rest of his energy by twisting Nathan's leg and with a loud snap, his knee had broken, and his leg bent at an awkward angle. Nathan screamed and tried to get up, but his leg was now broken. He limped away as quickly as he could and looked back at Gabriel before leaving.

"This isn't over, and I'm gonna make sure you vampires are dead!"

Nathan shouted before transforming into a large wolf and scampered away out of the dark forest with the remaining legs that weren't broken.

Gabriel's anxiety brewed in his stomach, and he fought a losing battle, trying not to throw up, but he gave up and vomited behind a tree next to him. He breathed heavily and called Micheal on his cell phone.

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