Chapter 7: A New Family.

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Gabriel and Micheal looked up at the giant castle doors with curious eyes.

"We've never heard about this place in our lives! How did you manage to build a castle here?"

"This place has been here for centuries. Even longer before the town was even founded. I just spread a silly little rumor that the castle is cursed, so none of the humans would ever come here to vandalize the place."

Everyone stepped inside the castle and passed by other vampires.

"Everyone gather here! I'm calling a meeting!"

All of the other vampires looked at the two men curiously, but one vampire that was smaller than the other ones shyly hid behind the tall man.

"To our potentially new members of the family, my name is Theodore Crow, and this is the Crow family."

The vampires greeted both Micheal and Gabriel, and both men started to feel comfortable around them.

"I understand this is a lot to process, but I promise you both, you will live a comfortable life here, we will train you two to fight, in case other creatures of the night want to cause trouble, but other than that, we are all family here."

Gabriel looked up at Micheal, who looked like he was deeply focusing on his thoughts.

"What if we were to join your family? What good would it do to us?" Micheal asked.

"You would both be vampires and live for eternity here if you wish to do so. I mean, you can live wherever you want, but here, everyone chooses to stay here most of the time, and there will be plenty of room to learn to use your vampire powers."

Micheal was lost in thought for a moment, and then he cleared his throat.

"Okay. I want us both to be vampires. Gabriel is already a vampire, and I want to be close to my brother, even if it means I get to spend eternity with him."

"You seem very close to your brother." Theodore said curiously with a bright smile.

"Yes, we both went through hell and back for years. It's a long story for us, but I really want to have a new life with you. With everyone here. We want to know what a real family is like."

Micheal looked down at Gabriel, and Gabriel looked back up at his brother and nodded.

"Very well then, let's begin!" Theodore said and clasped his hands together.

Everyone headed down into the basement of the castle and entered a cathedral-like room. The basement was deep and had tall ceilings because they were deep under the ground, but there were skylights on the ceiling, creating a dome of glass, showing the now dark sky littered with stars. The vampires and Micheal gathered under the dome.

The vampires gathered around Micheal and Gabriel and made a circle around them. Theodore was at the head of the circle and began to speak in a prayer-like manner.

"You will now become one of us."

The vampires chimed in at once.

"You are one of us."

Theodore carefully cut into his hand with a jeweled ceremonial dagger and bled into a large goblet, and handed it to Micheal. Micheal looked down at the dark blood with a serious look on his face and drank the entire amount of blood. His face began to turn pale as soon as he was done, and his veins turned dark for a few seconds, and he immediately collapsed. One vampire with a plague doctor's mask caught him as he fell and laid him in a coffin decorated with gold.

Everyone held their hands over the body of Micheal and closed their eyes.

"You will now become one of us. Embrace the loving arms of those who welcome you into our family."

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