Chapter 9: The Princess

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Samuel and Gabriel walked by a large open room where Theodore and the small vampire were sitting at a small table having a tea party.

Gabriel giggled at the fact that Theodore was wearing a girly hat with flowers and ribbon on it.

"Hey, Sam, what's her story?" Gabriel asked.

Samuel took a few steps back, waved at the small vampire, and Theodore and the other vampire sat and waved back, smiling.

"What's with the get-up, m'ladies?" Samuel asked while bowing mockingly.

"We're having a tea party! Wanna join?" The small vampire shouted excitedly with a slightly high-pitched voice.

"No thanks, Ruby. You go have fun with dad."

"Okay!" She said while bouncing happily in her seat.

"Ruby?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes, her name is Ruby Crow. She was adopted as well. She was a princess a long time ago, but something horrible happened to her, and now she has the mind of a toddler." Samuel said casually.

"What? How did that happen?"

"It's a long story, but I'd be happy to tell you, after all, we've got all the time in the world!" Samuel said with a laugh.

"Okay, tell me. Lay out all the details." Gabriel said to Samuel with a challenging look.

Samuel smiled, accepting the challenge. "I warn you, this one is a little sad..."

Princess Rubina was the youngest child of King Fernando IV and Queen Maria of Lisbon, Portugal, in the 18th century.

Rubina had two older brothers and one older sister. Rubina was a golden child who got whatever she wanted when she wanted it. She never received as much education as her other siblings, so she had all the time in the world to do whatever she wanted. Everyone seemed to love her because she was so childish and naive.

Her siblings didn't seem to care for her as her own parents and caretakers did. They were jealous of her because they had to learn to be proper rulers while she got to do everything she wanted to do. She had a lot more free time than them, so they often took their anger out on her in various ways.

Sometimes, they would beat her. Sometimes, they spread rumors about her, which circulated throughout the kingdom. They often got punished for it by the king, but that didn't stop them. They were royalty, after all. They felt untouchable.

Rubina sat on her swing in the garden behind the palace and enjoyed the view of the land in front of her.

"Isn't it a lovely day?" She asked her maid.

"Yes, of course, your highness." The maid said with a smile. "But we must get back inside soon. It is almost time for the ball."

Rubina sighed and begrudgingly followed the maid back inside the palace.

That night, Rubina stood by the door that led back to the garden and watched everyone dance and have a good time. She was bored out of her mind, so she impatiently tapped her foot. Suddenly, she saw a mysterious man dressed in fancy clothing approach her.

"Greetings, Your Highness." The man said with a bow.

"Hello. Are you enjoying the ball tonight?"

"Well..." The man looked lost in thought. "I'd say this party was not the greatest, but if I may, can we have a chat?"

Rubina looked up at the man. He had a gentle, trustworthy smile. The energy around the man felt strange, as if there was a bit of darkness about him, as if he had suffered a great tragedy in his past, but she felt like she would be safe around him. She led him out into the garden as she did with the other men, but they suddenly walked by her sister whispering with her friends while glancing back at her, and they all laughed as they walked by.

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