Chapter 6: The Forest

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Gabriel was twenty-six, and Micheal was twenty-eight when they both awoke after death.

Earlier that day, Gabriel and Micheal went to a Café to talk to Charlie and Victoria about Kate.

"So basically, Kate has been telling everyone that you two are together, but I don't think that's true. You look miserable around her."

"Yeah, ever since we became teenagers, it's been an obsession with her."

"Anyway, how's life been for you guys?"

Gabriel sighed.

"There's been this weird guy that stalks us both. It's a bit creepy." Micheal said.

"Yeah, he always wears a gray hoodie and stares at us before walking away. I wonder what that's all about." Gabriel chimed in.

"You guys should go to the police! This could be serious!" Charlie said. Victoria nodded, agreeing with him.

The waitress brought the food over to their table. Gabriel had a peppermint flavored hot chocolate with whipped cream, chocolate syrup drizzled on the cream, and some ground cinnamon on top along with a piece of chocolate cake on the side. Micheal had a regular hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel drizzle and a piece of apple pie. Victoria had a hot coffee with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles with a breakfast sandwich, and Charlie had a black coffee with a blueberry muffin.

Everyone enjoyed their beverages and food and left shortly after. Gabriel waved at Victoria, and she waved back, smiling. Her smile suddenly faded when she looked at her boyfriend, who looked angrily at Gabriel.

Victoria slipped into her boyfriend's car and shut the door. Her boyfriend did the same and quickly drove off.

Victoria crossed her arms and stared out the window.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!? Hanging out with three guys like some slut?"

"Nathan, please! Just calm down. We were only talking. They're my childhood friends! I've known them almost all my life!"

"Yeah! And you've known me since we started high school! Am I not enough for you?" Nathan pleaded with her.

Victoria looked at him bewildered. How could someone act so immature over friends she's known longer than him? She wondered. She continued to watch the colorful trees as they passed by them. The trees gently swayed in the autumn breeze. It was a beautiful day in mid-October, but it was a nightmare being in the same car as her boyfriend Nathan.

"When we get home, you are gonna make it up to me." He said firmly.

"How will I do that?" She asked.

"You're gonna do my chores for me for today since you wanted to hang out with friends instead of spend time with your boyfriend."

"That's not fair, though! You always go out and do whatever, and I never question you or anything! Why is it that when I go out, it's suddenly a problem?"

"Because I said so!" He screamed at her. She flinched and closed her eyes, half expecting a slap from him, but he kept his composure.

Nathan was an angry person. The slightest thing would immediately set him off. That's why his father never wanted him to be the next Alpha of the pack. In truth, Nathan Wolf was a werewolf. Victoria was the only human who knew his secret.

Victoria met Nathan in high school. They were both freshmen, and they quickly became friends. They used to talk to each other on the phone when they were outside of school. In her sophomore year, Victoria told Nathan her address, and Nathan began to hang out at her house. They were the best of friends and would regularly hang out and talk to each other. At first, Victoria thought she felt safe around him. He was easy to talk to, always there for her whenever she needed him. He was the perfect guy to her.

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