Chapter 68

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The struggle between the royal family and the aristocratic families has been foreshadowed since the beginning of the first dynasty in history, and it reached its peak in the previous dynasty.

When one party is weak, the other party will bite a piece of the loser's flesh.

Fortunately, the emperor suppressed the affairs of the salt field and used steel-making methods to create a batch of elite armors and weapons to strengthen the army and transport the salt to various places when the family was unprepared.

With enough refined salt available in various places, the price of salt has dropped significantly, and aristocratic families can no longer control the lifeline of the royal family. The emperor's serious concern has been solved.

So will the family be willing?

Thinking about it with your toes, you know it's impossible.

The turmoil in the south of the Yangtze River can be described as bleeding and drifting.

Assassinating the emperor, even using one's own armed forces to rebel, using rumors and oppression to incite the people to have a civil uprising, no matter which of them is provoking the emperor's nerves, is tantamount to pulling the beard off the head of a tiger.

The emperor was angry and laid down millions of corpses.

Not to mention that those people were guilty of killing the nine tribes.

It only took a year or two to pacify the situation in Jiangnan, and troops from the frontier fortress were even sent to suppress the rebellion.

Chu Tianzhi happened to be among them.

The emperor had accumulated enough strength, gritting his teeth and waiting for the day when the family would be defeated. He was in the prime of life as a lion and had enough energy and majesty to do such a thing.

He was not the founding emperor, but he followed Taizu to conquer the world. Every one of his close ministers chose someone who conformed to his ideals and was willing to follow him and do whatever he wanted with his energy.

The right time, right place and right people, the outcome is already a foregone conclusion.

It was one spring when the capital city was filled with flying catkins. The general returned in triumph, leading a group of soldiers under his command to receive the attention of the crowd and the emperor's reward.

Chu Tian sat straight on the horse, filled with pride.

He is now returning to Beijing to report on his work, which coincides with the day when Bai Jin and the others are about to get married. In a few days, it will be spring, and after the results are released, it will be their happy day.

"Chu Tianzhi——" A familiar yet unfamiliar voice seemed to come from his ears.

Chu Tian scratched his ears and thought for a while that the weak shout was his imagination. Until he was about to cross a street, it gradually became clear that the voice was indeed his name.

The sound came from the second floor. He raised his head and saw two familiar figures. He looked up and took a closer look. Aren't they Bai Jin and Zuo Anli?

Even though they haven't seen each other for nearly six years, their faces are vaguely recognisable. Bai Jin is becoming more and more refined and handsome, and Zuo Anli's appearance is becoming more and more handsome. The combination of the two is a match made in heaven.

He smiled back with a bright and handsome smile, "Bai Jin, Zuo Anli, long time no see."

Chu Tianzhi was now tall and strong, with sharp and strong eyebrows, tanned to a wheat color, and he looked very fierce. But when he smiles like this, it's like steel turning into softness around the fingers, and anyone who sees it will have their hearts twitching.

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