Chapter 60

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The results of the papermaking workshop are undoubtedly gratifying. Not only does it produce paper, it also greatly reduces the cost.

The paper at the beginning was rough and soft, so it couldn't be used as writing paper, but it was very good as toilet paper.

Later, it gradually improved, and slowly it changed from toilet paper to paper that can be written on. Moreover, this paper does not smear and is smooth and white, and is actually a thousand times better than the paper in circulation on the market.

The most important thing is that it is cheap!

Thinking of paper, Bai Jin thought of printing.

The two often appear together, and printing is particularly important. In China, where his world is located, it was launched as one of the four great inventions. Its value can be imagined, and it even revolutionized Europe. .Fate laid the foundation.

He studied day and night and obtained prescriptions from the system. His eyes, which had never had dark circles, were now purple.

When Zuo Anli came to visit him, he wanted him to take a nap no matter what. No matter how urgent the matter at hand was, it was not as important as his body. As soon as he sat there, he was bound to stare at the person and fall asleep before leaving.

Bai Jin opened his mouth. He didn't want to sleep at first, but faced Zuo Anli's sudden majesty, he still showed timidity, got into the warm bed and closed his eyes.

The strange thing is that he doesn't feel sleepy at all, but once it touches the bed, his eyelids feel as if they weigh a thousand pounds and they can't be pulled apart, so he naturally sleeps very sweetly.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he didn't care about the flood outside. How could he know that the young master beside the bed was holding his chin and looking at him with lingering eyes for a long time.


After receiving his advice, the craftsmen gained a better understanding of the production of printing, and the research process gradually improved.

Liu Xuandu only thought that it was Bai Jin's way of reading and understanding from books before. There were too many and complicated books, and he didn't have the energy to read them one after another anyway.

Even though Bai Jin could only figure it out after reading the book thoroughly, it was still quite impressive.

No matter how you say it, their move is to cut out the blood of the wealthy family.

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents. This hatred is absolutely irreconcilable. So after paper and printing were invented, Bai Jin gave full power to Liu Xuandu.

He has never had contact with anyone except the craftsmen, and this place is in the deep mountains and old forests. It will probably be a year before the book is fully released, and by then it will be too late for the wealthy families to react.

Unconsciously, he touched the end of summer. Bai Jin never thought that time could fly by so fast. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, he changed from thick and warm spring clothes to light summer clothes, and then changed back to warm autumn clothes. Clothes.

After finally finishing his heavy and busy work, Bai Jin would not get up unless he slept until midnight.

Chu Cheng and the others may not have seen Bai Jin for a long time, and they miss each other very much.

So everyone got together and had barbecue together in the yard next door.

"It's been a little too long for you to visit relatives this time. Is your grandparent's house that far away?" Chu Cheng couldn't help but sigh and be curious.

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