Chapter 48

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Going to the countryside to encourage farmers and mulberry farmers is not as easy as Bai Jin and the others imagined. Many villagers will either be wary or in awe because of their status.

Either they looked down on a few of them because of their age, and thought it was child's play for Magistrate Zuo to send his children to the countryside!

Zuo Anli already had a countermeasure. Without saying much, he directly arranged for his subordinates to test the benefits of farm tools for the villagers.

If nothing else, the villagers have all grown up tending crops, so naturally they can see the extraordinary power of farm tools at a glance.

Their eyes were shining, and they all volunteered to try out this new farm tool.

After playing with it for a few times, he couldn't let go, and he caressed it reluctantly. This is nothing more than the way he treats his long-standing lover.

"It's my turn, it's my turn, hey, why are you still standing there!" The next person will excitedly snatch the farm tools from his hand, and go straight to work in the fields without giving the other person a chance to hesitate.

"They are all good at handling the crops." Bai Jin murmured.

Zuo Anli smiled faintly: "Yes, many elderly villagers often know when to sow and harvest with their naked eyes and years of experience."

Bai Jin nodded heavily. In this era without weather forecasts, the same thing happened in his fields. Everything is arranged according to the experience of the experienced farmers, and we never make our own decisions.

There are specialties in the art industry, but Bai Jin feels that his greatest advantage is his self-awareness.

Zuo Anli touched his head, but Bai Jin shook him off.

The little book boy muttered and complained: "It's because the master keeps touching my head that I can't grow taller."

Zuo Anli couldn't help laughing: "Didn't I tell you not to call me master? You are now a county boy, and I am only a first-term student. Bai Shen, how can I deserve to be called that by you?"

Bai Jin replied lazily, "I'm used to it, it's just a title, it's not a big deal."

Zuo Anli was determined to correct his casual nature, "The title is used by many people. Etiquette is the most important thing in my eyes.

For example, Chu Cheng and the others have their own names, so we disrespect them by calling them by their names." Bai Jin was a little amused when he listened to his serious sermon, but he was more grateful for his dedication to himself. He bowed his head honestly: "I understand, then what shall I call you from now on?"

Zuo Anli was speechless for a moment, the tips of his ears were red, and his fair cheeks were also stained with blush, his eyes were wandering, and he hesitated: "If you If you don't mind, you can call me Anli."

As for the title Young Master, he thought that he could just call me Qingnu in private.

It has no other meaning, it just highlights their closeness...

Bai Jin was kind and said clearly and loudly: "Anli."

It was obviously just an ordinary name, and it was even called out by Dong Zhen and the others occasionally, but it was because of the name. People are different, Zuo Anli panicked.

Just two words rolled around on the tip of the other person's tongue, and the sound was sweet and soft, as if it was a little lingering.

The young master's face turned red and he was no longer calm.

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