Chapter 27

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The banquet was filled with the music of silk and bamboo, and the melodious sound.

It is not as sweet and beautiful as the music in the capital, nor is it as hoarse and unpleasant as the folk songs and village flutes.

We also hired two geishas to enjoy singing and dancing.

Of course, the music was only used to lighten the atmosphere, and the attention of everyone present was focused on the magistrate who could kill or kill them.

Although Magistrate Zuo said nothing, they did not dare to relax their vigilance.

Except for the county magistrate and the chief registrar who did civil work, and the county lieutenant who did military military work, the others were either landlords from the East Village or squires from the West Village. They all acted based on the appearance of the county magistrate.

Especially the county magistrate who came from the capital, they would never dare to look down upon him.

Anyone who is well-informed knows that this person can be regarded as a popular person in front of the emperor, and he has been working in front of the emperor before.

Even so, he was not blinded by the prosperity and power of the ruling and opposition parties, and he insisted on being demoted.

Maybe he picked this place himself!

They didn't dare to act rashly when they didn't know what Magistrate Zuo was going to do.

Magistrate Zuo sat in a high position and looked down at everyone. He could see the expressions of the people below at a glance and even analyze their little thoughts.

He doesn't care what these people think of Xiao Jiujiu, as long as they can do practical things.

Everyone then saw Magistrate Zuo, who was playing with the wine glass, his eyes falling into the void and heaving a long sigh.

The muffled whispers immediately ceased, and the geisha stopped plucking her strings and playing the piano when she saw something was wrong, and a needle could be heard in the field.

"Why do you sigh?" the county magistrate stood up from his seat and asked with a look.

Magistrate Zuo gave him a look of approval secretly.

When the show starts, there must be someone who can pick up the script subconsciously. This guy is smart and has a future!

County Magistrate Zuo frowned, looking at the gray clouds passing in the sky, and said quietly: "Winter is coming soon again. For the people in the north, winter is probably the most difficult time of the year. Everyone is deeply affected by this. The great master who is trusted by the people and has a lot of knowledge, can he make suggestions for me?"

Everyone was surprised. Even if they knew that he was not interested in drinking, they still had to follow his wishes. He came up with an idea:

"Sir, according to the opinions of the grassroots, we can lift the restriction on people going to the mountains to cut firewood in the near future, so that they can keep enough firewood for the winter." "

Sir Zuo, why don't you Bingming Ming Yingzhou Governor, open the warehouse to release grain when necessary? Come to rescue the people and help them survive the harsh winter."


No matter how eloquent they were, whether they were right or wrong, County Magistrate Zuo smiled and said nothing, only nodded to show that he was listening.

In the end, after everyone racked their brains and couldn't think of anything, they sat back down and drank tea quietly to moisten their mouths.

They looked at Magistrate Zuo's expression covertly, but could not see any emotion.

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