The emperor remembered every stroke of this clearly, and kept it all in his little book of grudges, just waiting to figure it out one day!

Finally, he had the capital to overturn the table and was too lazy to continue wrestling with those aristocratic families. The emperor was so happy that he couldn't sleep. Who was happy if he wasn't happy?

The two of them were holding hands and looking at each other with tears in their eyes, speechless and choked.

Bai Jin had met the emperor before. Even if the situation was different, the other person's majesty was more serious, which made him a little nervous, but it was not to the point where he was too frightened to speak.

The emperor appreciated his neither arrogant nor humble attitude, so the two of them got along at that moment as if they had known each other for years.

The chamberlain serving the emperor was supposed to be expressionless and pretending to be deaf and dumb, but he couldn't help laughing at this moment.

Fortunately, the two of them also knew that there was something wrong with them, and quickly returned to normal from the previous state.

The emperor is always the biggest dramatist, with tears streaming down his face and a majestic and solemn posture. He said with a serious face: "Mr. Bai County, you have made great achievements this time. I can grant you one request, which is to be promoted to a higher rank." Or the gold medal to avoid death, just mention it. "

Whether it is fertile land and mansions, beautiful slaves, or immense power, all are within your reach with just one word from the emperor!

The chamberlains behind him all felt their hearts beat faster because of the emperor's words, and even thinking about it for a moment almost took their breath away.

Looking at Bai Jin again, his eyes were wandering at the moment, his eyes were fixed in the void, he was actually distracted!

He was actually thinking of something that happened a few days ago. After the emperor just finished speaking, he naturally thought of it.

Zuo Anli took a break that day, and Bai Jin finally found some free time, so the unmarried couple went out on a date.

However, the weather was not good that day, and a continuous drizzle fell across the capital. They had to run to the eaves to take shelter.

The host, an old couple and their daughter, had just come back from outside. They warmly invited them in to take shelter from the rain.

Zuo Anli touched Bai Jin's damp clothes and slightly moist hair, and accepted the other person's kindness.

It was rare for the old woman to meet outsiders, so she sighed and shared trivial matters with them, "My eldest son is still working outside the city. After we got married, he wouldn't come to see us every two days. Erlang went to serve as a soldier, and he didn't come to see us for several years. He won't come back once, but he will send some money every three days. "

Bai Jin asked her, "Which military camp is your son in?"

"Northwestern Military Camp," the old woman replied.

Zuo Anli asked her husband to borrow the kitchen and lit some firewood for Bai Jin to bake. The husband smoked dry smoke and said, "What are you talking about? Since the family is divided, the boss has to take care of his own family. It's not like he has no family." I'll give you money."

Bai Jin said, "I have a friend in the northwest military camp who can help you ask how your son is doing."

The old woman grabbed his hand and said excitedly, "Thank you very much, brother." "My Erlang's name is Zhang Erchui. People from the capital must remember this."

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