April 17, 2024(1:50 pm~4 pm)

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Pellet bombs pt 1 and pt 2

Pt 1

The first dream room place in a large school building. It was like a private school that went from kindergarten to 12th grade. Me and a few of the 12th graders were doing a project type things where you'd stay with one of the younger grades and show them around the upper grades floors. Me and my friends were watching over the kindergartners in a middle floor when we began hearing these popping noises and screaming. It was coming from maybe the highest floors of the building, so it was probably the high school level kids. The buildings alarms were going off, and we began evacuating the building because we didn't know what was happening. But as we were leaving, these pellet things came through the windows and the walls of the classrooms. They began exploding, causing pieces to and shrapnel to embed itself into the students. Some pellets even went directly onto some kids before they exploded... It was a mess of screams, bodies, running, hiding. I even felt like I got hit in the back of my shoulder.

Pt 2

This was at a long stretch of beach. This time I'm with my family. I was walking along the beach while me family was at the other end near the bathrooms. I started hearing what sounded like gunfire from above, but I didn't see anything. These pellets (the same one from my other dream) began raining down on the people. They were exploding and everything. I began running to where my family was, because I thought the bathrooms would be safe. I was so close to getting to the grass edge of the beach when a hugs pellet exploded near me, causing me to get badly injured. I felt like this was the end for me, when I can see that my mom and dad were running towards me. It looked more like my dad was holding my mom up, because she seemed injured as well. My dad placed my mom near me and it felt like we were gonna die together...

Notable moments
*It felt super real... The pain of getting hit by one of these, the bodies on the floor, the popping and explosions
*I woke up and I felt a pain in the back of my right shoulder, near my armpit
*I don't think I was crying while sleeping, but I began crying when I started writing this down...
*It was like a dream within a dream... Like I was gonna tell my mom about pt 1 when pt 2 began happening or something...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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