March 17th, 2022 (8:18 pm~ 12:01 am)

2 0 0

How unlucky we are...(idk I can't find a title)


It first starts off at this school that I an transferring in. From what I heard and seen, there are a lot of violent students here. One guy went on a murder spree simply because the teachers weren't giving him proper scores. About three to four teachers died in the school. Most of the students try to keep to themselves and they don't really make friends. Some are afraid they'll make friends with a murderer. Others just don't want the distraction. And then I came in. I went to that school and had a friend immediately. She was a blond girl who shared the same birthday as me. She helped me steer clear of a lot of the violent students and helped me get to my classes in time. Without her, I would've gotten lost and got into the wrong places that can get me into serious trouble. But... That's when things go wrong. After awhile, rumors started spreading about me. One day, I went to school on my period and it was really horrible. I had terrible cramps, some of the worst cramps I have ever felt. Then I got lost trying to find the bathroom and then trying to find my friend to take me to the bathroom. While we went to the bathroom, my friend told me that someone sent her a pregnancy test with my name on it and a positive result. She thought I was pregnant. I was in so much pain that I couldn't even answer her in time when we were suddenly called into a classroom. There was two female teachers that wanted us to help her move some tables around. The two teachers were busy looking at their phones and since me and my friend were naturally curious, we peeked over their shoulders and saw that they were looking at a BTS members Instagram story. One of the teachers said, "I feel so bad for him.... I mean... Look at his stories." Then the other teacher, who is a gossip, said, "I heard from a very close friend of mine that he is really close with Namjoon. He said that Namjoon's other friend's girlfriend committed suicide. Namjoon and his friend and the girlfriend were hella close. And look at all of his captions on his stories. 'not feeling the greatest today. Please send love and kisses' with a ghost emoji... Poor Namjoon." Since I was a BTS fan and I was already feeling emotional from my period and the rumors about me, I broke down in class. I told my friend that I was on my period, so I couldn't be pregnant right now. Even the teachers tried to comfort me but one of the teachers suddenly said, "Namjoon did another story... I don't like where this is going. It says 'everyone keeps leaving me and I don't know what to do with myself. I feel so unlucky rn' with two ghost emojis." How unlucky I felt right now indeed.

Notable moments
*The dream feels both really random and organized
*In real life, I had a friend that was blonde and had the same birthday as me
*The school looked like a mixture between my elementary school and a larger indoor school

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