July 16 (10:31 am)

23 2 0

*The crash*

I had a dream that I had to walk home. But midday through the walk, I guess one of you guys or a new friend picked me up from work. We went through Haleiwa I guess, because the ocean was visible and shit. There was these tourists blocked the streets cuz they were crowding the shoreline and the parking area. My driver (the friend) was saying "I'm gonna run you guys over if you don't move." And began speeding up. We accidently hit these huge chunk of cement in the road and ended up flipping over and crashing. Then I blacked out and then it was like an out of body experience because I was zooming back to wear the crash was, watching as people broke the windows to get to me...

Notable moments of the dream
*I had to copy and paste this from a text message
*Wrote this down a few months ago, but it was before I made this book

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