December 22 2021 (9:42 pm~1:09 am)

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Traumatic cop job prank experience

I was a cop chasing after this guy. We were first called in because he was harassing and stalking this girl, probably an ex or a crush. She disappeared a long while ago while we were chasing the suspect. They both went into a house and we were struggling to catch up. I was the first one on the scene and the suspect was outside, laughing loudly as he pointed at me. Said that he was just trying to make us winded and that the girl locked herself inside. I was annoyed but I left him alone outside, handcuffed to a railing so I can check on the victim. When I broke down the door to the house, I saw that the girl was dead... And decapitated. Her has was missing, and she was covered in a pool on blood. I slipped a little on the ground in shock before stumbling my way outside. After the initial shock and fear, I grew angry and stomped towards the suspect before punching him in the face and demanding what kind of sicko he was and that he was a disgusting human. He was so confused, saying that he didn't know what I was talking about and that he never even touched the girl. I told him that she's dead and that her head is missing, chopped off and not inside the house at all. The suspect grew quiet and scared, trembling as he kept saying that he would never do that and that he wouldn't actually murder someone, much less chop someone's head off. By the time he was finished talking about that bullshit, the other cops have gotten to the house and were searching inside, coming out empty handed. They said that the head wasn't anywhere inside the rooms and that the entrance was the only place touched and covered in blood. The suspect was growing paranoid and scared more, saying that maybe it was something supernatural or demonic. He kept saying that he was sure the victim was the only one in the house and that maybe the house was haunted. All of a sudden, the victim screeched loudly and clutched his ear, causing the other officers to laugh. One of the male policemen snuck up behind him and screamed into his ear, laughing loudly as he held up a fake head covered in fake blood. He said that it was just a prank and that the girl was fine. The truth was, was that the make officers knew about the victim and they saved her before anything happened to her. Me and the suspect didn't know at all, so they apologized to me, but not to the suspect. Said that they always prank suspects that terrorize young women. I asked where the girl was though, and they all grew confused when she never did show up at the end. But the officers shrugged it off.... We never did see that victim at all, and the suspect only grew not scared, staring off into the distance......

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