Feb 28, Sunday (1:42 am-8:30 am)

27 2 0

*The robbery

I was in a different state with some friends I believe. We were talking about how that state had more cases of crime and illegal activities happening when we went into a store. After walking around a few times, we got into the front and saw that there was a robber in the front. I tried to defend the store owner and myself with this knife that I carry around in my bag when I ended up getting slices on my left forearm and my left leg.

Notable moments
*I own a retractable blade in my bag in real life
*It felt so real when I got those wounds
*In my sleep, I shifted my leg as if I didn't want the blanket touching a wound
*It felt like I was actually sliced. It was like I can feel the skin tear and blood come out

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