A New Ship Promised//Chapter 60

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Faythe did a quick head count. Her brows furrowed. Was Zoro brooding off somewhere again? Or did he get lost? Again.

"Meh, not all of you are here, but it's alright!!" Franky finished in a pose that pushed his booty out in the air.


"Our favorite Tin Can!" Faythe called out.

Franky immediately sent her a sharp look through his sunglasses, "Guys, I've got something to tell you! Listen!!" He then sat down in a crisscross. The twins sitting on each side of him, "On an island... With a never-ending war..."

Sanji immediately cut him off, "What is this all of a sudden!? I won't listen if it's just some boring story."

"Oooo!! Story time! Story time!" Faythe hurried over and sat in front of Franky with Nami and Chopper on each of her side. It looked like a semi-circle with the people sitting on the floor.

"What is this?" Wyper quirked a brow at the scene.

Franky continued anyways, "There was a huge tree that never fell, even if people started a war with rains of bullets or if everyone died and left the island in ruins... People still went back to the tree and used it to build towns and nations."

"An indestructible tree...?" Wyper inquired.

Franky nodded, "There are only a few trees like that in the world... That strongest tree's name is Treasure Tree 'Adam'."

"Interesting." Faythe hummed.

Chopper tilted his head with crossed arms, "Tree... What?"

"Parts of the tree appear in the Black Market once in a while." Franky explained, "I've always wanted to have them, but I couldn't because they cost nearly 200 million beli. And then you guys appeared.. A pirate group with a lot of money."

Sanji looked ready to kick ass again, "Bastard!! Don't tell me you bought that crap with our money!!?"


The cook turned to Faythe with a confused look, "But Faythe-Chan, he—."

"He must've used it for something of great importance if he figured he needed to bring it up with us." Faythe turned to look at Franky, "Right?"

Wyper didn't say anything but watch.

Franky frowned at her look and let out a sigh, "Once... I made a decision not to build ships anymore. But before I knew it, I was already drawing the blueprints because I wanted to catch up to the person I look up to..." He firmly bowed his head to the group, "My dream is to make 'Dream Ship' with the treasure tree that can cross any sea!!"

As soon as he mentioned a dream, Faythe's eyes narrowed.

"Now that I have parts from the treasure tree and the blueprints for a ship ready as well!! I'll build this ship now!! So when I finish it, will you guys sail with the ship I made!!?" He looked to the group with an almost desperate expression.

It took a moment for the group to process his words.

"Eh?" Chopper gasped, "Eeh!?"

Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Piece) Book 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu