" are you sure.?" Kook said eyes still strucked on the figure sitting on garden bench.

"Yes, i talked to him today morning. He is in Japan for a business trip." Jimin said recalling the call he made to taehyung in morning.

"Japan." Jungkook was sure that taehyung has lied to jimin. But why.??

" he seems to have lot of trips abroad from last two months. I hardly saw him twice in the months." Jimin thought taehyung is busy with his company these days , so he didn't pried him much.

" jimin hyung, will you please once call him and ask whether he is really in Japan." Kook tried to coax his hyung for calling his ex-husband.

Jimin felt something was wrong and jungkook is hiding something . "What's the matter, kook. You are scaring me."

" nothing,just do it once for me."

" okay." Jimin disconnected the call. And almost two minutes later taehyung's phone rang, jungkook saw taehyung reviving the call and after a short while he kept the phone back in his pocket.

Jungkook saw his phone vibrating on the table.

"Hello kook. "

" Hyung , have you asked." Jungkook asked in one breath.

" He is in Japan. He was busy we didn't talked a lot. He said he would call me after a while." Jimin told earnestly what taehyung said.

Jungkook felt his eyes brimming with tears. Taehyung straight away lied to jimin. He was so in thoughts seeing taehyung retreating back inside the building with seojoon that he didn't said anything to jimin.



"Kook , are you there."

"What is it." Jimin knew jungkook is worried about something.

Kook came out of his thoughts" hyung I will call you tomorrow, wait for my call " he disconnected the call without getting any reply and made a beeline to follow taehyung.

He already had a visitors card , it was easy for him to enter the building without any problem.

After a while he lost the track and couldn't find him, he was looking here and there for taehyung's room . Then he saw seojoon coming out of a room, he hid behind the wall to not get recognised.

When seojoon left ,  qJungkook took steady and slow steps towards the room, his heart was beating like crazy. His mind was blank.

He doesn't know what is happening. He never in his life imagined that he wouldn't try to sneak inside someone 's room

He peeked inside the room and saw taehyung sleeping on the hospital bed. He walked towards him silently, to not make any noise and disturb his slumber.

From near ,he saw how much taehyung is changed, his cheeks are not full like before, they have sank. His glowing honey skin was pale like a ghost. He has lost weight.

He was looking terribly sick but handsome at the same time. Jungkook was sure that even in this condition no one can come near taehyung in looks.

His long eye lashes, honey skin, luscious black hair. He was a walking dream. Than jungkook's eyes went towards his forearm where an IV was connected.

His arm was littered with scars that probably look like formed from having IV connected for a long period. His both arms has these types of small bluish circle.

Unknowingly a sob escaped from his mouth, he immediately covered his mouth with palm. He saw taehyung stirring in his sleep. He didn't woke up but he kept rolling from one side to another.

Taehyung was sleeping with medicines effect. He softly carressd taehyung's forehead and immediately retreated his hand.

He soon came back to his senses and realised what he was doing. And as if taehyung has sensed his soothing touch , he leaned towards his hand.

"Bubbles ..." He called in his restless slumber. Jungkook chuckled bitterly at the endearment." Taehyung must have called minji with this nickname"

"He doesn't belong to you, his heart and body is someone else's" he rebuked himself internally.

He turned around to leave the room when he heard taehyung muttering something, he never expected.

" Kookie, please Don't leave me."

" I love you."





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