As a result, Bai Jin was awarded a title, but he was the lowest-ranking county man, with an estate of 300 households, starting from the fifth rank.

This is definitely the highest reward for ordinary people. Unexpectedly, none of the stubborn officials, censors, and other old stubborns said that this was unreasonable. They all acquiesced to the emperor's decision without any symbolic dissuasion.

Whoever makes them two are the largest landowners in the world, and they are probably the ones who benefit the most from the harvests on the fields.

If you continue to block other people's future, you will probably be pointed at your nose and scolded. This is scolding your mother with your job in mind, how shameless!

Dong Zhen and the others laughed and teased Bai Jin, saying that he was now a man of fame, but he was different from the white ones like them.

Although it was a joke, they said that they were quite envious of getting the title easily, but in fact... in fact, they were really envious!

Even Zuo Anli teased his reputation as a county boy and said with a smile: "If I fail the exam in the future, I will be kicked out by my father in disgust. Qingnu, I will have to rely on you, a county boy, to take him in with kindness."


Bai Jin blushed slightly at his smile and said, "Okay. But I don't think you can fail the exam, unless you don't want to."

Zuo Anli was a little surprised when he insisted. Most of them expressed his trust in him, and said modestly: "There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Qingnu, we can't be proud and complacent."

Bai Jin said "hmm", and he said sincerely: "My success in the field, In fact, it's all thanks to you and Magistrate Zuo. Without your consent, I think it would be difficult for me to implement it alone. "

Magistrate Zuo is not a dictatorial person, but a very courageous father. Ordinary people would never agree to rent fertile land to two hairless children, especially their own children.

But he agreed without saying a word, but they were responsible for the profit and loss.

Zuo Anli's dark eyes were full of energy: "I know you won't fight an unprepared battle, just like you know me."

Bai Jin was stunned and scratched his face shyly.

It was strange that he felt itchy at the tip of his heart, as if he had been specially tickled by a feather.


The tools have been specially researched, and the most important thing is promotion.

Anyone who has studied history in high school knows that a characteristic of the small-scale peasant economy with intensive farming is its closed nature.

Due to inconvenient transportation, many production tools cannot be updated in time, resulting in low productivity.

Many times, if the county magistrate is not responsible and does not take care of the villages deep in the mountainous areas, they may not even know what time they are in.

Of course, Magistrate Zuo could not be such an irresponsible person, so he immediately arranged for a Yamen servant to introduce him.

Villagers can choose to ask carpenters to make tools themselves, or they can have the village chief or village chief work with several households to make several tools.

When the farming is busy, I borrow it from the village head or village chief, and when the farming is slack, I leave it with them.

Magistrate Zuo discussed with the county captain and others and decided to send several children to the countryside for training without doing anything else.

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