
Zhang Xuan completely ignored Xiao Chen and Mu small Wan cold eyes, straight open the door, left.

Ma Xiangguo in the heart of a hidden scold, these people are really reckless, if something happened today, he really not good account.

"Xiao, thank you for your cooperation. I'm just doing a routine case, hope to understand, lol."He is not good to say what, played a haha, followed Zhang Xuan left.

"Xiao Wan, I'm fine."

Touching her sister's hair, Xiao Chen himself was in a cold sweat. Just if not Mu Xiaowan stop in time, I am afraid I can not control, say the answer.

The methods of the awakened ones are truly impossible to defend against.

"Brother, are we safe?"

Looking at Mu small Wan eyes of sadness, Xiao Chen showed a smile, pat her lovely little head way.

"It's all right."

No, that's weird.

Xiao Chen found that he still underestimated the so-called Zheng Tianhao, check a thing, can actually send awakening people when his hands? And a rare spiritual awakening.

Such people are extremely suspicious of the Lord.

What's more, Xiao Chen clearly saw that when Zhang Xuan left, his eyes had that kind of indifferent killing intention.

If you are just an ordinary slum student, I am afraid that today I do not know what means will be on! Fortunately, he told the identity of his special training class students, so that these two people have a little scruple.

"If the awakening day can wake up, why do we need to be so embarrassed?"

However, this thing could not be rushed, and Xiao Chen calmed down and thought of the problem he had just had.

His first question was not whether he had killed anyone, but what he had taken. It proved that there was something about these people that was more important than their lives!

"This Zheng Tianhao, who comes from?"

Xiao Chen thought for a while, made a phone call to Wu Chao, this guy is not only the gossip king of the campus, but also knows more about things in society.

"Hello? Xiao Chen, ah no, Chen brother, you have to take care of me in the future, I also have a special training class."

"Less of these useless, ask you about a person, Zheng Tianhao know?"

Wu Chao obviously froze.

"Why do you ask this person, ask less about things in society." Did you offend him? Just take the bucket and run."

"You really want to be beaten."

Hear Xiao Chen poor tone, Wu Chao hurriedly positive color way.

"No, no, in fact, all I know is hearsay. And this guy, one of the top ten entrepreneurs in this city, his company does all the city's sanitation, and in addition to that, he runs some nightclubs, casinos, black-market boxing rings."

Look at him talk like a decent, Xiao Chen frowns.

"Can you know all this?"

Wu Chao seems to feel questioned, some insult to his good name of gossip king, urgent way.

"This is not a secret at all, OK, people Zheng boss is also too lazy to cover up, his underground boxing, attracting many surrounding cities to see the big boss, the annual tax to the river city to create billions of calculation, who will catch him?"

This is really not your average guy.

"Besides, I have heard a secret story."

Wu Chao mysterious way.

"It is rumored that he has a water prison, which is dedicated to holding people who owe debts, and the life in it is worse than death, where there is often Shouting and screaming." Therefore, no one dares to owe him money."

I guess I thought it was too outrageous, Wu added.

"This is a friend I heard from a private interest forum on the Internet, you all when the story, what, graduate want to find a livelihood in Zheng boss there?"

It was the only possibility Wu Chao could think of.

Hang up the phone, Xiao Chen's heart slightly heavy.

Fortunately, he was awakened technology, said the first sentence of truth, dispel Zhang Xuan's alert.

Unfortunately, this guy's got a lot of shit going on!

"What was it they were looking for?"

Xiao Chen began to search the home, from the ground to the sofa seam, each did not miss.

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