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"I'm gonna go to the palace and burn that witch."

Said Sam pacing the kitchen. His agitation reached a melting point after two days without smoke.

"Come on Sam. No one is going to let you burn the Queen. They won't even let you walk in streets."


He screamed leaving the apartment. Probably going to beg our neighbors for cigarettes rather than food.

It's been two days since the lockdown. No beta nor omega is allowed on streets in some districts including ours 'for our safety' they said. Only alphas are free.

I was happy at first that I don't have to work. But that meant I'm locked up with Sam.

And Sam was not happy neither I became after learning about what happened to him. I panicked more than he did.

I called my family, his family, our friends, and even my colleague Naz. I called every single beta I know, even my friends from high school. This issue is only for betas to solve but no one gave me a good advice on how to handle Sam who already hated alphas and started to hate them even more.

Usually I would ask Sam for an advice on how to handle things. But it was his problem this time.

Naz texted: [Your friend is going to be alright. He is a grown man. What if he saw a girl getting killed? It happens all the time! You have to be more worried about him not accepting your alpha boyfriend anymore.]

[Not my boyfriend, Naz.]

[Fuck off.]

Talking about my boyfriend. I didn't tell him what happened. He is an alpha. He would not understand and call Sam stupid for going in the first place. And what if he reported Sam thinking it's the right thing to do?

Everyone called Sam stupid for that even me. We all knew what was going to happen. Even he himself. But it was not his fault in the end but his omega friend.

I need to tell him to cut that omega off.

I opened my phone trying to find an open restaurant to order takeout from other districts. But there was no delivery to my place. If only alphas worked as delivery men I wouldn't care if the lock down lasted forever.

My phone rang in my hand and Max's name appeared.


[How are you doing today?]

"I'm good. You?"

[I reserved a good information. the curfew will be lifted in two days.]

"Oh, that's great."

[You don't seem happy about that.]

I'm happy about that but..

"I wish it could be lifted sooner. I'm craving pizza and no alpha is willing to be a delivery driver."

[Is that so? I'm gonna be your delivery man then.]

"What? No! There is no need-"


Fuck fuck fuck fuck. He's coming!

I pounced around the apartment like a monkey cleaning the fastest I could. Why is he coming for a pizza. Was that an excuse?

Should I take a shower?

But that would give him the wrong idea!

The landlord would not approve an alpha coming.

Straight Men Don't Date AlphasOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant