A Picture From The Past

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I woke up in bed, feeling tired as if hit by a bus, my body felt strange but I didn't have the strength to call for Sam to come and help, I didn't even open my eyes cause it would take energy so of course shouting his name would take more.

So I decided to go back to sleep.

But I couldn't.

Something about the mattress being softer, more comfortable with a blessing smell.

The silence, there were no sound coming from the apartment below or even the fridge. The room was colder than usual but I felt cozy under the quilt. I opened my eyes slowly thinking that I'd be blinded by the sunlight of the morning going through my thin curtains but the room was barely enlightened by a faint light coming from a lamp, by then I realized I don't have one.

'Where am I?'I thought for a moment before memories flashing like a lightning flash before thunder.

I felt my cheeks flush, embarrassment almost ate me up. When I'm not horny anymore I become shy again.

The creaking sound of the door opening slowly made me jump in place, I sat on the bed covering my bottom half.

I'm still naked!

The light went on and The shadow behind the door appeared to be Max.

The first thing I looked at after his face was the time, 10 pm. I might have ruined my sleeping pattern.

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm thirsty."

He vanished for few moments before coming with a glass of cold water that he put in my hands before sitting on the bed facing me.

I drank the water without breathing in one gulp, it turned out I'm more thirsty than I thought I was, drips fell from the corners of my mouth running on my neck to my bare chest, a gentle touch of max's fingers followed them.

His hand was cold, the palm of his hand that moved across my collar bone up to my neck made me shiver.

On his face a gentle look, his gaze shifted to my shoulder and his mouth twitched, he touched the red spot on my shoulder where he bit, I didn't react upon the touch, it didn't hurt, didn't even leave a small cut.

"It doesn't hurt."

"I won't do it again."

His phone rang in his hand and the light casted on one side of his face, as if saying half of the truth.

I walked naked following him as he answered the call but parted when I went to the bathroom where I left my clothes to take a shower.

A knock fell on the door before he opened it, his right hand attached to the phone on his ear, his left held clothes, a moment of silence went by before I got the clothes from his hand, he closed the door behind as I heard him talk on the phone.

Pajamas similar to the one he's wearing but different color, this one is gray, I hated to wear it as it seemed new but the smell of the fabric softener said otherwise, at least the boxer still had its tag, I cuffed the trousers and tugged it in the boxer so it won't fall, I'm not a skinny person and neither is Max but his clothes didn't fit me.

When I got out of the bathroom he was still on the phone, I didn't care much of what he was saying, blubbering names and meetings.

How much I hated work.

He flicked a finger when he saw me and pointed at the kitchen, when I went there I found food ready on the table. I ate silently and cleaned the dishes in hurry. When I left the kitchen he was still on his phone.

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