13 𓇼 A Star To Sail By

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This chapter's title takes its name from a soundtrack called "A Star To Sail By" from Sea of Thieves. I really recommend listening to it while reading this chapter!

Jisung is cute. Minho is reserved. Chan is sly. Changbin is his homie. And Seungmin is hot.

If you asked Jeongin to describe the five crew mates, that's how he would summarize them to a stranger. They all had their quirks, their faults and their positives, and more than anything else Jeongin was glad to be around to be with them. The crew went from five. To six with him added.

To seven.

Felix was a whole separate case on his own.

He was quiet. Gentle. In the first two weeks or so of him being with the crew on the open ocean, he took the time to slowly adjust. First getting to know the crew, learning each of them by their first names before he'd follow them around, watching what they did or trying to talk with them while they were doing chores around the galleon. Helping here and there, but mainly watching. Then, purposefully seeking them out for what he needed, if he ever needed anything, which was few and far between that he admitted he needed help. At the end of the day, somehow always finding himself going back to stand beside Chan. Always lingering around Chan. The Fae didn't know what to make of it, but he described Felix 'sort of like, a cat'. A cat that kept his words silent, usually only nodded, shook his head, or smiled weakly. If he did need to speak, doing so incredibly softly.

And possessive. Holy shit, that was something they had to work on. Chan mentioned to Jeongin that leviathans were territorial beasts, but he didn't think that translated over to humans who are cursed to be leviathans either. Felix had his things. He had a few belongings that Chan gifted him. He had a few extra clothes that Jisung slipped to him while no one was watching. He had his meals. As soon as you tried to touch anything he owned, war was brought upon you. He wouldn't outright attack you, but the wrath that burned from his body when he thought the crew was taking something away from him was easily felt. Whether that was a bracelet, a shirt, his compass, or the food he was eating. What Felix owned what his and he'd gladly argue over it.

Jeongin had the theory too, after a particular conversation him and Felix had when the Prince couldn't get to sleep, that he never had things to call his own before. He didn't have possession over his own belongings. Now that he did, he probably had the fear that what he was given would be taken away from him again. At least, that's what Jeongin thought, of course. Because he didn't have the guts nor was he close enough to Felix to pry into that part of his psyche.

That one took a while and admittedly threw the dynamics of the crew off for about a week or so. Minho would accidental pick up his shirt to wash, Felix would panic and think the naga was trying to take it away, he'd get angry, he'd go to Chan. Changbin would try to take his plate to refill it, Felix would hunch over the empty plate to keep anyone from touching it, he'd get angry, he'd go to Chan. That cycle repeating itself a few times, until, funnily enough Jisung took a part of Felix's sweet roll Chan gave him, and the cycle had been broken. The selkie sat and ate with him happily, and Felix gladly shared with him too.

Whatever Jisung said to him then immediately mellowing out what they liked to call the 'leviathan side' of Felix. He grew more gentle. More quiet. Less possessive, and if he thought they were taking what was his away from him, he'd ask. Though Jeongin always had the theory he likes to stare at Chan from afar because of those more "territorial habits" (He thinks Felix likes Chan, there was something about being saved by a hot person that makes you more attracted to them), even if he didn't explicitly act on them.

So, overall those weeks were a mess. A turmoil of figuring out where Felix fit in with the rest of the crew, and eventually finding his spot pleasantly. He liked helping Minho scrub his scales when he was full naga, and he quietly napped in Changbin's lap while the warlock poured over texts of grimoires. He liked to chat with Seungmin on the bow of the ship, and Jeongin came to find him as a trusty confidant for his shenanigans. Most of all, if Jeongin thought Changbin and Minho were his besties, Jisung and Felix were inseparable. While Chan seemed to become his little spot of comfort whenever he needed the safety. But he found his place amongst them, and suddenly their lives had brightened up with the new addition.

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