5 𓇼 Unfortunate Results of Affairs with Dragons

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As if the list of issues couldn't grow any longer, Jeongin now joted two new additions down in his brain.

5) The Captain, a kind but silver tongued fae man known as Chan, was aware he wasn't from their world. Universe? Timeline? Still haven't pieced together that part yet.

6) Chan thinks the reason he's here is because he may have accidentally pissed off a bunch of nonexistent gods by pursuing an engineering degree and eating pizza in his apartment religiously.


Seriously?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! What issue do immortal gods have with him being lazy and minding his own business! What's the point of magically whisking him off to a world of fantasy creatures and pirate ships and mythical fairytales and now ANGRY OMNIPOTENT GODS TOO?! ARE YOU SERIOUS? THEY'RE REAL IN THIS WORLD? He knew that gods and deities had convoluted ways to get tasks done in myth even around Earth, but was this necessary? Really? As if matters couldn't get worse, he's somehow screwed up somewhere in his life enough to make ancient magic mad at him. He doesn't even know them! What is he even doing here?! Was this punishment for procrastinating on his research paper? Was this punishment for eating pineapple on pizza? Was this punishment for sucking dick? HE DOESN'T EVEN GO HERE!

Haha, Mean Girls. But what he means to say is that he's not even from this world, why is he being vibe checked by Gods he doesn't even fuck with to begin with, like? Even he's not immature enough to drag someone from their own world into a new world for the sake of being petty. Unexplained. Now, explained? That's a different story-


Now that that rant is done.

Jeongin had his little mental breakdown and he's as good as new. Good to pop up and go again.

He's okay.

Fuck, he's not. Chan is right. Seungmin wasn't the same person, the person who he loved more than his entire pathetic little life back home was seriously gone. That hadn't quite hit him until he saw Seungmin passing by again. Even if his smile was the same, even if his appearance was the same, there was a twinge of something risky inside of his eyes that had never been there before, and Jeongin couldn't handle the slap of reality. Well, he could handle it. But quietly, in the hold when everyone else was busy, the few tears he shed over everything was enough to have him desperately holding his phone to his chest. Simply wishing that the screen would somehow flicker back alive. He'd be able to call home even for a second. If only to tell someone he was alright. To not worry for him. That he'd be back soon.

He's stranded far from everything. From everyone he knew. With no way to get back. His apartment lease was supposed to be over in two months and he was supposed to move into his new place. He was supposed to visit Germany with his online friends through the summer and he was supposed to see the Eltz castle. He was supposed to finish his finals last week and finish the last few shifts at his job before heading off to see a new part of the world. He was supposed to adopt a ferret, he was supposed to finish the last plate of his reheated chicken, he was supposed to return the books he borrowed from the local library, he was supposed to finish his taxes. He was supposed to be a normal. A normal life. surrounded by normal, simple things. Doing normal, simple, happy things. Living for normal, simple, happy, useless things.

Like that, it's gone.

Everything he knew and loved was just... Gone.

But there's nothing that could be done about it right now. It couldn't be changed. 

So, with a shaky hand, Jeongin had cleared his tears away with his hand. Swallowed back the rest of his emotions pouring through. A new resolve filling him as he shook off the weight drowning him beneath the ocean depths.

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