3 𓇼 Thank You For Loving John Wick

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If Jeongin's life problems were concluded at crippling student debt and the occasional stomach ache, he's probably think his life was fairly normal. Finals, indigestion, worrying about whether his shoes would get wet from the rain,


His list of problems grew exponentially.

1) He was in fact in the middle of an ocean. Great. How did he get here? Who fucking knows. But the consensus of everyone aside from him (Once he calmed down from his crisis enough to hear their side of the story), was that he was drowning in the middle of the ocean when Jisung noticed him in the water, and Seungmin fearlessly dove off the edge of the railing after before he sunk completely to the bottom of the sea. Which, you know. Great. How anyone would end up from their university's library, stuck in it as it's collapsing, trapped as it was flooding with water, somehow now in the middle of WHO FUCKING KNOWS WHERE with no way to contact anyone or get home. Though he was certain he had his phone in the inside pocket of his jeans, the device was gone. Everywhere he checked when he changed out of his drenched clothes into something more fitting coming up empty handed.

[A/N: Just now thinking about how strong and stupid Seungmin has to be to not only swim in the open ocean but to also drag Jeongin back up to the surface too.... He's hot. I don't make the rules.]

2) Wherever this place was, there were kingdoms. A shattered system of territories across island nations that he had the chance to glimpse at on a map when these newfound strangers were explaining were they were. This place seemed to be the seas beside three kingdoms; Kingdom of Miroh, Kingdom of Levanter, and the Yellow Woods. Particularly, they were about a two weeks journey from the outside crest of Miroh. Finally was the empire. The largest and most expansive of the sovereign nations, they seemed to be the only ones no one knew what was up to. Despite the Clè Empire being present in almost every territory despite their lack of diplomacy.

3) These people really were what they claimed to be. Jisung really was a selkie; A mythological creature that could shape themselves between humans and seal by peeling off their pelts, mostly to tan on the shorelines as he had explained. And, if it wasn't for the fact Jisung showed him the pelt, neatly wrapped up into a bundle to tuck away, he wouldn't have believed him. Changbin really was a warlock; He proved so by spinning water in his hands and manipulating flames from the candles in the cabins, but only if he had a source to draw the magic from as the warlock explained. And well, Jeongin found himself too confused and lost to do more than weakly nod along. Then there was Minho. Who was... A... Naga? Though there was no elaboration on what that meant aside from he had fangs.

4) Then there was the matter of Seungmin. Extraordinarily human. Extraordinarily normal. If not for the fact he was the First Mate to the Captain on the galleon they called the Fate's Revenge, the right hand man to whoever this captain was. But he acted like the Seungmin he knew. Talked like the Seungmin he knew. Walked like the Seungmin he knew. Everything about this Seungmin was the same as his Seungmin except for the fact Seungmin didn't remember who he was in the slightest. They've never met before they've crossed paths now. And yet, Jeongin couldn't help but feel the barreling of his heart yearning for Seungmin as it told him they were the same.

Combined, Jeongin could only conclude he had accidentally found himself slipped into a parallel world or an alternative timeline of his own universe. Crazy? Maybe. But it seemed the most logical way to explain what happened.

Jeongin really didn't know where to go from there. He figured he should be making some type of plan, trying to piece together what little information he was given to figure out a way back home, or maybe begin to figure out more about this strange world. Maybe he should be attempting to orient himself with what his life will be like until he's able to get back home, or he should be trying to figure out why any of this has happened to him of all people, but honestly? He was tired. Exhausted. Brain was as dead as roadkill and more than anything else, he craved to go somewhere quiet to fall asleep.

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