2 𓇼 He's Dead? He Can't be Dead, It's the Second Chapter!

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Shadows danced against the back of his eyelids, slowly his consciousness connecting back to his body through labored breaths.

"HES DEAD!" The proclamation followed by a shrill, "AHHHHHHHHH THATS SO GROSS!! I TOUCHED A DEAD BODY!!!"

And the exhausted sigh that chased his words from a figure beside where he laid against a tough floor, this voice much calmer and melodic than the one moments before, "Jisung shut up, he's still breathing, he's not dead. Yet."

What the fuck...

Reluctantly Jeongin pressed his head back against the surface he was laid out on. The floor beneath him harsh against the back of his scalp, uncomfortable as his spine warped to cooperate with the unmailable flat surface, yet undeniably warm. Heat that radiated from the ground into his fingertips and palms pressed flat against the rough texture he rubbed his fingers into to orient himself with his location, soaking in to his drenched clothes clinging and melting to his body like an unwanted second skin and alleviated where his nerves trembled with the frigid breeze combing over his body, an undeniable swell of torridity from somewhere above that scalded him semi-dry from his earlier dip in the water.

Peeling his eyes open, Jeongin winced at the brightness that flooded into his retinas. He fluttered his eyelids a few times. Attempting to adjust to the sudden light that bit into his already pained eyes, feeling as if they had been gritted with sandpaper and salt water to rinse the wounds clean. Once able to open his eyes, the strangest sight meeting his gaze; A sky once clouded with thunderstorms and dumping rain raptured open to a stunning field of azalea blue that had him breathless (Or it could be the fact he almost drowned... Eh.), an untamed sunlight that radiated on every body it's gleaming rays could touch down on with homely welcome and undone abandon, sheets of fabric that were hoisted high in the sky on wood pillars tied off with ropes that caught the breeze, and... And...


Jeongin could only stare up at the sails that caught the wind high above them.

Those are galleon masts!

Brushing off the aches in his body, he darted to sit up off the ground.

A hand landed on his shoulder from someone beside him. His gaze shifting across to an unfamiliar man with a face he couldn't place yet yearned with knowing; With  slightly pudgy but prominent features on a sun-kissed face, gleaming chestnut hues caught from the shining sunlight, his curled hair strands were unkempt and the color of an ink stained coral dredged from the bottom of the seas. His clothes were... Weird. Jeongin thought this clothes were weird. A shirt woven from linen with a knot of a leather adjustment tied on the front of his chest, his pants more like trousers than the jeans Jeongin were wearing, and his leather boots that covered his calves, his belt, the sword that hung off his side, a flintlock tucked away in the band, his folded sleeves above his elbows, the necklace he wore, the bracelets on his wrists, he was odd and strange, and—

And he didn't seem to mind that Jeongin was staring at him cluelessly either. Simply turning to his company, two men dressed similarly to him; One that crouched down at the base of Jeongin's soaked sneakers, watching him intently with eyes that reminded him of seafoam and puffy cheeks, and his shirt more silken in the ruffled cuffs at the end of his sleeves though his assortment of weapons and accessories were similar; And the other, stood a while back with his arms folded over his chest and a suspicion in his feline-angled eyes, the black jacket he wore and the frayed waist coat under seemed to be a modified soldier's uniform with worn tassels and buttons. With a confident simper back to those two, the man squeezed his hand to steady Jeongin, "See? Told you he was alive. You owe me a drinks."

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