He had done some impressive mental gymnastics to avoid being categorized as an imperfect human existence. I mentally applauded him.

"Your answer, Demon-boy?" Kōenji's gaze didn't leave his handheld mirror, as he continued admiring himself.

Agreeing to his demands would lead me to stand out. However, Horikita Manabu had already exposed my physical prowess. I'd been receiving too many appraising looks from people in the first few days. I confirmed that pictures and videos from that day had been uploaded online to the ANHS forum.

"Sure. I'll compete with you, Kōenji."

"Rokusuke. Call me Rokusuke. Talk to you later, Demon-boy." He waved me off, presumably returning to class.


"Hm? Did you say something?" he turned around.

"Let's visit the other classes during homeroom to introduce ourselves."

He grinned. "I like your way of thinking, Demon-boy. Chaos is fun. Boredom is the sin of man. Where to?"

"Let's work our way up. C, B, then A."

We went back to class. Rokusuke continued admiring his own reflection, while I stared out the window. Once homeroom started, Rokusuke and I left the classroom.

We made our way to the classroom with the banner "Class C". Inside, the class was aptly paying attention to a magenta-haired boy. He was their leader.

Rokusuke kicked the door open. I raised an eyebrow. So that's how you want to play this?

As if in sync, forty heads simultaneously turned to look at us. The magenta-haired boy was standing at the podium, with a foreign-born giant next to him.

I saw an empty chair and grabbed it, then sat down. Gasps of disbelief emanated from around the classroom as Kōenji smirked at my bold actions.

The magenta-haired boy at the podium narrowed his eyes, clearly unimpressed by our unorthodox entrance. The foreign-born giant by his side observed the scene without a reaction.

"What's the meaning of this?" the magenta-haired boy demanded, his tone filled with irritation.

"Simply introducing you to the perfect existences," Rokusuke replied with a casual grin, still engrossed in his reflection in a pocket mirror.

The atmosphere in the room tensed. The rest of Class C eyed us warily, quiet whispers spreading like wildfire.

"I'm Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, and this is Kōenji Rokusuke. We're both from Class D. We thought it'd be fun to drop by and get to know the other classes during homeroom."

The magenta-haired boy scoffed. "Fun? You think barging into someone else's class is fun? You've got a weird sense of humor."

"Relax Dragon-boy," Rokusuke replied dismissively. "Your anger issues do not concern me."

"What did you just say to me?" The magenta-haired boy stood up and strode over to Kōenji. Rokusuke was unbothered, as he simply admired his reflection in his pocket mirror. He had a talent for doing that. Whispers turned to murmurs, as Dragon-boy was being challenged and was losing control of the class. He seemed to lead by physical violence and fear, so this was a pressing issue for him.

Dragon-boy knocked the mirror out of his hands and onto the ground, shattering it.

Rokusuke glanced at him dismissively. "Trying to get me to notice you? Sorry, but I don't swing that way, Dragon-boy."

Dragon-boy had finally had enough, and he swung a fist. Rokusuke parried it and then stepped backward to avoid the ensuing kick.

"The name's Ryūen Kakeru. I'll crush you if you challenge me again. You'd do well to remember that."

Classroom of the Elite: Wishing WellWhere stories live. Discover now