Chapter 3: Disposal

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It was in the middle of homeroom on the third day when Kōenji Rokusuke made his move.

He loudly took his feet off his desk and sat up in his chair, attracting the attention of the entire class. However, once they noticed it was just Kōenji, they went back to their phones and chatted with each other.

"I require a refresher," he loudly proclaimed as he stood up from his seat, glancing in my direction. "Demon-boy, come with me."

Demon-boy? Was that me?

Kōenji looked at me again, and I was forced to follow him out of the classroom. We went up a floor and then took several turns until we arrived at an empty classroom. Conveniently, it had a window. I stared out of the window, noting the lush greenery outside. ANHS must have spent thousands of yen on maintenance.

"How long do you intend to continue this farce?"

"I don't know what you are referring to."

"This act, Demon-boy." Kōenji clarified.

"So you know."

He snorted. "You don't sound very surprised. As expected of someone who came from that place."

"I remember your father in New York," I replied. "He was one of the people who turned down the offer to invest in the program." I tried to copy Kōenji's stance, leaning on a desk.

"How long?"

"Excuse me?"

"How long has it been since you've figured out the S-System?"

"Uh, three days, maybe."

"So you figured it out on the first day. Haha!" Kōenji began to laugh boisterously, his shoulders shaking and his head thrown backward, blond hair dangling. "Ha ha ha!"

He found this situation incredibly amusing for some odd reason.

After a few minutes, Kōenji had finished laughing.

"How many points do you think we have left as a class, Demon-boy?"

"Not many. Soon to be zero, if not negative."

"Oh?" Kōenji quirked his eyebrow. "You have something planned?."


The two of us looked outside the window, admiring the scenery. We didn't speak for a few more minutes, but the fact that neither of us had left was an indication that one of us wanted to speak.

"Demon-boy, you want to experience it, don't you? Laughing and joy, that is."

"Yeah." That was the purpose of coming to this school. Experiencing emotions. I wondered how it truly felt.

"Ha! Then, I shall show you!" he grinned, pointing a finger at me as if I were some inanimate object. "I will show you what it means to have fun!"

He spread his hands outwards like he was the Prime Minister of Japan.

Kōenji seemed keen on helping me, somehow. It appeared that his personality in class was simply an act.

"However, in return, you must compete with me. In exams, in physical tests, in everything."

"I thought you were the perfect existence."

"Ha!" Kōenji stared into his pocket mirror, combing his hair backward with his other hand, "I am the perfect human existence. I wish to test myself against you, Demon-boy. Since you are not human, I remain the perfect existence regardless of the outcome of any competition."

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