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Izuku Midoriya: UA Student (1A)

Warning: Student is still learning, fighting style is subject to change.

A plain-looking boy, Midoriya is a student who scares easily and falls to peer pressure more easily. Using the nick-name Deku, seemingly given in a derogatory way by Kastuki Bakugo and used by a variety of his classmates. Midoriya is a very intelligent child, with the fifth-highest grades in the class, and spends his free time taking notes on various heroes of all kinds.

Midoriya's quirk "Strength" is very similar to All Might's, and Midoriya knows, often copying signature moves like "Detroit Smash" to his detriment. Midoriya's quirk is volatile, often breaking and rarely shattering the bones in the limbs he uses to attack, he has stated he is working on reducing its output level.

Midoriya seems to have a special connection to All Might, as they are often seen discussing various topics, from each other's quirks to Midoriya's performance in school, often after school hours or during lunch. All Might and Midoriya most likely have a personal connection, though a familial or blood connection is unlikely.

Tips (In progress):

Midoriya's quirk is volatile and leaves him injured, allowing for openings more easily. Though be careful, as his determination will lead to him becoming more creative during fights.

Midoriya copies All Might's most signature moves, making him predictable should his opponent study All Might's previous battles.

Midoriya was one of the stranger students V1 had. He was very shy, and looked scrawny until he wore his hero suit or gym clothes, revealing his toned muscles and perfectly showing how determined he was to become a hero. Yet Midoriya had the worst control of his quirk out of anyone in his class, even against Aoyamma, who can only fire his laser two or three times before collapsing from stomach aches.

It was two days until the sport's festival, and V1 was watching 1A train under Eraserhead for the day, the machine's future training regiment still being worked upon. V1 would walk around and help the students, either giving Kaminari a charge by letting him take a small amount of power from the electric railcannon, or dodging Soji's punches since he kept destroying punching bags. The machine stared at Midoriya, running around a track field to work on his stamina and running speed.

"Midoriya! Meet me here after this lap!"

As Midoriya ran over to V1, who handed the winded teen a bottle of water, he was wondering what the new teacher had to tell him.

"Midoriya, have you been working on limiting the output of your quirk?"

"No sensei, I haven't been working on it since I keep failing, and I can't go to Recovery Girl every five minutes trying."

That was fair, but Midoriya needed to work on it before the sports festival.

"Alright, we're working on it now. How do you normally try to limit it?"

"Oh, I imagine trying not to blow up an egg in a microwave!"

That was one of the stupidest things V1 had ever heard. No wonder Midoriya couldn't control his quirk, if he was imagining this all his life.

"Alright, have you tried any other way to limit it?"

"Now that I think about it, I haven't."

"So we know the microwave is not working, how about an example of a way to limit it?"

Before Midoriya could say anything, V1 pulled out the pump-charge shotgun.

"This shotgun lets me add more pellets by chambering another shell," V1 pumped the shotgun three times, the side of the gun showing three red rectangles, "but after four pumps the weapon will explode." At the fourth pump, another charge was added, all four of the blinking red and making a beeping noise.

"I want you to try limiting your quirk to 75%, then work down by properties of 10. Think of it as a percentage bar, or as these four charges if needed."

"I see." Midoriya then walked to a punching bag near the track, and hit the bag, his arm still visibly hurt but not as much as before. Walking up to him, V1 inspected Midoriya's arm.

"It's fractured, and your middle finger is dislocated, but this is a good first start. Go see Recovery Girl, tell her I sent you and the news of your quirk. But first tell me what you tried to limit it too."

"I tried to limit my quirk to 75%, but" Midoriya looked to a screen on the side of the now destroyed bag, the insides ripped open revealing the force reader, and the screen showing 791.254 newtons of force applied. "That's definitely not 75% of my full power."

"It's 95%, the first day of sports festival training you hit it with 832.899 newtons. You're making slow progress, but you will still be hindered for the festival."

Midoriya's face morphed from dejection to joy and determination. "You're right, it is a start! And don't worry, I'll get to Recovery Girl ok!"

V1 turned to Kirishima next, who was working on his hardening quirk. "Kirishima, you've withstood explosions before, right?"

Even while V1 asked Kirishima to blow himself up with the pump-charge shotgun (which he agreed to doing way to easily, shouting about how manly it was) V1 couldn't stop recalling its interaction with Midoriya, how happy he was to make progress, and the feeling it gave the machine. Though V1 couldn't think about that, for the sports festival was soon.

SURPRISE! I'm back early (not really). School has slowed down a bit for me so I've had more freedom to work on this story again. I still don't plan on really working on this for another three or four weeks, but I've been itching to write for the past week. Plus, with MHA now on Nexflix and Disney+ (I still don't know why it's there) and the Full Arsenal update for Ultrakill, now is the perfect time to update too. Brutal has been kicking my ass in Ultrakill, but it's still fun (NO SPOILERS IVE JUST STARTED WRATH).

This arc is boring, so I plan on shortening it (and the upcoming SF one because I have no idea how to make it entertaining and not just canon).

Y'all have a good day, afternoon, or night, and I'll see you at the end of Train 'Till You Drop!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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