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A/N: If you like hearing characters talk, then in this story (at least for now) V1 uses Microsoft SAM as its voice box, and speaks in underlined text "like this."

It had been two hours since V1 had entered the police station and placed into custody, and the machine was getting impatient. It wasn't even wearing handcuffs once placed in its cell because of how willingly it went along with the process of detainment. Sitting on the bed, the machine took its time analyzing its status. From what it heard, he was in Musutafu, Japan, which it knew could not be true. The machine had seen the destruction, it had witnessed the streetcleaners and sentries slaughtering civilians on camera, just like the rest of the world. Then again, he encountered humanoid and human like creatures. Though there was nothing about powers, or Quirks, as they were called, V1 couldn't dismiss the possibility.

Before being able to ponder more, the machine heard a banging noise. Looking towards the cell door, he saw two officers unlocking the door, before being escorted to a blank, featureless room with a table, two chairs at both ends of it, and a mirror, probably one-sided. V1 robotically sighed. "How long until the interrogation starts? I've been here for longer than necessary." It noticed the officer's glare, before he answered.

"Your interrogation will start soon." V1 managed to hear a brief "Can't believe he went rogue with his villain group" before the door shut and it was alone. Rolling its eye, the machine pulled out its Marksman revolver and began examining it for any damage. The machine didn't realize that it was already being watched by an interested chimera.

Nezu, who was behind the one-sided mirror, was watching the machine inspect each of its weaponry, interested in how quickly and efficiently the robot worked. He knew it was a wonderful idea to watch the interview, especially after hearing how efficiently it took down the Nomu from Eraserhead and All Might. Detective Tsukauchi then walked out of the observation room and into the interview room. As soon as V1 noticed the detective walk in, it placed the pistol on the table to show that it meant no harm.

"I apologize for showing my tools now, but it was something to pass the time. I assure you, I mean no harm." The detective gave it a look before answering.

"It's alright, and I apologize for the delay in interrogation. I'm Detective Tsukauchi, but you may call me detective or Tsukauchi. Now, my quirk is Lie Detection, which means that I can tell if anything you say is true or false. Now, first question: Eraserhead and All Might said that you fell from the sky before engaging in combat with the Nomu. Where did you come from?" V1 sat still for 5 seconds, before speaking.

"I was in Hell. I had just survived an encounter with a... strong resident, and while traveling between two layers, I was spit into the air and landed in the dome building." Tsukauchi was shocked. It was true. Hell is real, what does that mean for humanity? How did they end up in Hell? How did they leave?

"I can see you're shocked, so let me answer a question I think you have: I was originally developed on Earth as a war machine for the Final War. During production, Hell was found and development for my series was scrapped. Then the other war robots massacred all of humanity, and fled to hell, myself included. I believe that this world may be a bridge between the two, or that Hell has enough power to bring me somewhere I don't belong. Whatever the case, I am here now."

Nezu pondered what V1 said. Hell, a place where sinners go, all villains are destined to end up, and where madness spreads. If V1 came from Hell, then it is wise to conclude they have valuable information, or battle skills. Perfect for a new position he needed.

A/N: I plan on keeping chapters shorter for now since I don't plan on dedicating much time to this fanfic. Again, let me know what you think, I'm still new to this. Have a good day/night.

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