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The Cybergrind was... rough to the teachers to say the least. It let the teachers see just what their new machine coworker was capable of, and (after some hesitation) welcomed it into their staff. It was the next day, 15 minutes before classes start when V1 met with Aizawa in the teachers lounge. Finding the sleep-deprived teacher in his now signature neon yellow sleeping bag.

"Aizawa, we will I will be meeting 1-A today, correct?"

"Yes, you will. Now, I need to lay down some ground rules for teaching class. You're primary directive is to protect the kids, but if you have a duel during training, then you must avoid lethal means, especially the railgun. Got it?" V1 nodded it's head to show it was listening.

"Good. The kids are rowdy, but they mean well. Two you will have problems with are Bakugo and Midoryia. Bakugo is aggressive towards everyone, so don't take it personally if he is rude to you. The other problem child seems to have an inferiority complex and does not have control of his quirk, constantly breaking his bones." Another nod from V1, before Aizawa checked the time on his phone.

"It's 9:20 now, I want you in the classroom at 9:35, knock before entering."

"Understood." As Aizawa left to his class, V1 took the chance to check the terminal, which it moved to the lounge for ease of access and to keep out of student's reach. When asked about the progress of the Hell invasion, the terminal said that time in Hell is effectively frozen while V1 is here, which was odd, if not convenient should it need return. Taking a chance too look at the beast it fought at the USJ, V1 clicked on the Nomu enemy tab, reading the entry

Nomu: ???

Not much is known about Nomu for now, continue extermination to gather data.

Nomu seem to be beings who have had multiple quirks inserted into their bodies. Because of the body being able to hold at most two quirks, this renders the Nomu mindless, requiring orders from a third party to function. The first Nomu found at the USJ was seen with features akin to a bird, but further data is needed to confirm this connection.

Nomu are loaded with multiple quirks, making them extremely dangerous to those not wanting to spill blood.

Nomu have an extreme weak point on their head, where an exposed brain lies. Dealing damage to this brain deals 4-6x damage (further data needed to make exact).

Interesting to say the least. Looking at the time on the top-right of the terminal, V1 headed to class 1-A, making it to the door with a minute left. On the other side of the door, it heard yelling about a 'Sports Festival,' it would need to ask Nezu later. At exactly 9:35, the machine sounded three loud, evenly spaced knocks on the door before turning the handle and entering the now dead silent class.

"Students, this is your new teacher and head of security, V1. You may know them as the one who defeated the Nomu at the USJ."

The students were dead silent before they yelled out questions all at once, none of them being missed by V1's audio sensors.

"Who are you?"

"How did you get in UA?"

"What's your quirk?"

"How did you defeat the big villain?"

"Thank you for saving us!"

V1 was bombarded with questions, but that last statement had something tied to it the machine noticed. It let it go for now, focusing on the questions.

"I can only answer a limit amount of your questions, as most information about me is classified. However, ask away."

The first to raise their hand was one of the problem children Aizawa pointed out, Midoriya, who had a notebook out on his desk, ready to take notes.

"What is your quirk?"

That dreaded question, of course it was asked first. No matter, V-1 already had an answer.

"My quirk is Blood Fuel, and it works exactly how it sounds. I gain energy and nutrients by absorbing the fresh blood of living things from anywhere on my body, but I am unable to eat normal food."

In a flash, Midoriya was writing at an absurd speed, almost causing the paper to smoke. Another classmate grabbed V-1's attention, a blonde haired kid with a lightning bolt etched in black on the side.

"Why is your hero suit so weird?" The kid's reward for asking was a smack in the back of the head from the person behind him, with them muttering something relating to the question being rude.

"Don't worry about being rude, it is a valid question. I am an undercover hero that had an extreme accident some time ago. Because of this, I was left limbless, and I now wear this hero suit whenever I need to get out of the house."

The students looked to the teacher in shock and pity except for an ashy haired student with red eyes, not believing the machine, before he spoke up.

"If you need your hero suit to live, then what's with the wings? The head? And if you live off of blood (which is a lame quirk anyway), then how do you get it when your in your suit?"

At this the machine gave a low, mechanical chuckle. "Perceptive, I like you already. To answer your questions, my wings hold my support weapons, the head is a camera, my actual head is in the torso of the suit. The suit is made of a special material that is light and flexible, allowing blood to enter and for me to absorb it. So you don't ask, this voice is also from the accident. I needed mechanical vocal cords as I did not have good control of my arms after the incident, and so was left unable to write or speak sign language."

The students were left in shock, with even Bakugo shutting his mouth. V1 decided to inform the class when they will see him.

"I will be shadowing your Hero Classes, and patrolling school grounds outside of then. I will also be available in the Teacher's Lounge during lunch should you need me. Speaking of which, when is their next hero class, Eraserhead?"

"Tomorrow, why?"

V1 stared at the teacher, and Aizawa could have sworn it say a glimmer in its eye while speaking.

"I intend to face them all at once, without lethal methods. Now, I have patrol to do."

V1 left the class, leaving a surprised Aizawa and a flabbergasted class behind. Tomorrow would be interesting, and the start of a new era for the machine.

SURPRISE! TWO UPDATES IN TWO WEEKS! I know, very surprising from me. This is mostly filler, a shame since it is the last of USJ AFTERMATH. I was getting tired of all the intro BS so I wanted to get it over with this week. Also music for these slower chapters probably won't fit. I mostly listen to fast paced songs, and just don't have many slower songs I can fall back on. Some quick questions before I leave y'all:

Do you want fight scenes with V1 to be similar to how it fought the Nomu (List out style bonuses like +CHARGEBACK)?

What do you think V1 should attempt to teach 1-A in its first teaching days?

Do you

y o u

y       o       u    




Interesting. How interesting. This was not the expected carnage, yet this still entertains.

Let's continue watching this show. Wait before introducing the supporting cast.

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