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"I have some ideas, but let's talk about them in the school."

To say the school looked grand was an understatement. V1 would've guessed it was a mansion or government building just by the size of the entrance. Following its new boss into the pristine school, V1 looked around to map a rough layout of the school. After accepting its new job (why it did, it didn't even know), the machine was brought over hastily by car.

"How does a school even get the funds to be this big? Will you be making me patrol around the entire area?" V1 could tell the school had acres of land, given the facility it landed in, the USJ, was surrounded by woods.

"No, we will not be making you patrol all of UA, that would be ridiculous! We will have you watching during class time around the main campus, and will only have you enter other areas if we deem it necessary."

Finally reaching Nezu's office, which looked much cleaner than V1 thought it would be, Nezu hopped in his chair and began typing at his computer.

"I've already filled out all the information you said during the police interview, which coincidentally is all the info I needed to hear to start on making you an official employee! I have a bit more work before then, so why don't you explore the main building? I need you back in... 30 minutes, and if anyone asks why you are here, tell them I authorized you to be in the building. Understand?"

V1 gave Nezu a thumbs up before turning and leaving the office, wandering the building. It took two lefts, went down a staircase, and started walking down a hall with classrooms doors, the first on its right starting with "1-K." Starting with this classroom, the machine would open a door, scan the room, then walk to the teachers desk to do another scan. This let the machine create a rough 3-D copy of the room, which it translated to a 2-D top-down view to make a map. Turning right after reaching class 1-H, it continues the same pattern until it reached 1-A, the last class needed for this floor.

The machine spotted an anomaly: a large yellow cocoon that made a breathing pattern. Slowly and cautiously, the machine stepped towards the cocoon to find out that it was actually a sleeping bag, and the black-haired male had not waken up from its presence. It took only a moment for V1 to get out of the room. It can scan 1-A tomorrow. Heading to the second floor, it copied the same pattern from downstairs.

V1 returned to Nezu's office exactly one minute before it was needed back, standing patiently waiting for the details of its job, before Nezu grabbed a phone and called someone into the room.

"Now, V1, since you are now officially part of staff, we will have you meet the rest of the faculty tomorrow. However, I do need you to meet Eraserhead now." As soon as the chimera finished his sentence, the same hobo in 1-A walked through the door. "Ah, Aizawa! I want you to meet our new hire!"

Eraserhead was confused, to say the least. He knew that the USJ helper would be back, but not this soon. And the fact that they were in Nezu's office speaks out 'end of the world.' And then Aizawa processed that sentence. New hire? The person that came from the sky? NEW HIRE?! "Nezu, this is completely irrational! Are you just going to hire anyone you find?"

"He hired you, so I would say yes." V1 may be a machine with no emotions, but there was a weird allure to human arguments that was irresistible not to participate in.

"Shut it. Nezu, I understand you think that more on-campus security is needed after the incident, but you cannot tell me it was a good idea to invite this potential villain to work at UA! I could've handled the Nomu myse-"

"If you fought the Nomu you would have walked in here looking like a mummy. I handled the situation in an effective manner, unlike how you would have turned out." Aizawa gave the machine a death glare in response. "Since we are co-workers now," V1 offered a handshake. "I am designated as V1, it is nice to meet you. I hope we can work well together in the future."

Aizawa sighed before shaking its hand. "Shouta Aizawa, though please refer to me as Eraserhead when on duty."

"Now that you both are done arguing, I think it is time to discuss V1's job. I want you to patrol the main campus, except for when class 1-A is doing hero training, since I believe they were also after some of the kids in that class. Are you alright with this?"

V1 stood there for a moment, their yellow cyclops eye displaying a loading screen similar to when a Windows computer is starting. "Of course, Nezu. However there is something I need to tell you. When I was looking at the classrooms for the campus map, I found a large yellow caterpillar in Class 1-A, which needs to be removed."

Nezu stifled a laugh while Aizawa glared at V1. "That was me, in my sleeping bag."

V1 just stared at Aizawa. "Oh, I apologize."

"You're fine. This time." Aizawa then turned to Nezu. "Nezu, what are we going to do about their living condition? Since they fell through the sky, I imagine they have no place to live."

Nezu grinned at Aizawa, "V1 will be staying at UA, since they don't need sleep. They are a robot after all."

"Tis true, I am a robot that is fueled by fresh blood." At this, Aizawa froze for a moment before looking at the ground.

"This school can't get any fucking weirder. Alright, when are we going to introduce V1 to the rest of staff?"

"I plan on doing introductions tomorrow, since it's the day before classes start again and V1's introduction won't affect many classes." Aizawa gave a slight nod.

"Alright, I won't tell Hiazashi. You two have a good day."

Before the chimera or machine could say anything, the door was closed.

1055 words, not including this or any authors notes

Finally a longer chapter, and I learned how to write dialogue! I'll go and update previous chapter where they need to be, but I am stuck in a car traveling so no promises for the next few days. I promise I'll write more after December, I think you all understand when I say this month is chaotic for me.

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