chapter 14

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Double update today! So incase you haven't read chap 13 yet, go read it peeps!



''I'm going to miss my baby!''

Mrs Park's complaints were muffled by the fabric of Jimin's suit. Breaking the hug, she wiped her eyes, and pinched Jimin's cheeks, offering him a watery-eyed smile.

''Aww, 'm gonna miss you too,''

''Woah woah, Mom, don't keep him all to yourself. I wanna talk to him too,'' Chaeyoung pouted as she pulled him away from Mrs Park.

After making sure that they were a few feet away from their parents, Chaeyoung spoke, ''Do you really have to leave?''

''You know I have to,''

''Oh. 'Kay then. Go! Why should i care! Don't come b-back,'' Her voice broke at the end, as tears pooled in her eyes.

Cooing, he hugged her, rubbing her back soothingly, as she sniffed and sobbed. He tried to blink away the tears that prickled at the corner of his eyes, threatening to fall.

''Aye, don't cry. I ain't gonna die, y'know? I'm just like, like, moving away from home. We're like two blocks away from home,''

''That's not true,'' she sobbed, hitting her brother's arm.

Giggling, the boy broke the hug, so he could see her face better, ''Aish, you're makeup's all smudged. You look like a crying tomato!'' This caused the girl to let out a few watery giggles, ''And moreover I could always come visit home. And you could come visit me! And we're gonna meet at school,''

''But it's not the same as having you home,''

''Quit being a stubborn chipmunk,'' He snapped, although there wasn't any real bite to it.

''Fucker. Go for all I care! Finally I'm getting rid of your ass,'' The girl lightly pushed him, and walked towards their parents, who were accompanied by the Min's.

Feigning an offended look, he followed her, but it quickly changed to a small smile, as he neared the people.

''Jiminie!'' Taehyung was quick to pick Jimin off the ground, spin around on the spot, earning giggles from the blonde.

''Alright Tae, don't break the boy. I'm sure Yoongi hyung won't like that,'' it was the unfamiliar brown-haired boy, who spoke.

''I wonder if hoba would like it when I stab you with a fork,'' Yoongi stated.

''No violence on your wedding day, Yoongs,'' Hoseok scolded, as he stood infront of the unfamiliar boy. ''Oh right, I forgot. Jiminie, this is Choi Youngjae, my boyfriend. Jae, this is—"

''— Park Jimin, Yoongi's husband. I know,'' the boy, Youngjae, finished as he grinned at the blonde.

''Min Jimin,'' Yoongi corrected, directing a smirk at Jimin.

''Hi Youngjae. Nice to meet you,'' Jimin smiled, ignoring Yoongi.

''Oh just call me Jae,''

''Yoongi, Jimin, You both should get going. The house is far from here, and moreover, you both must be tired,'' Mrs Park said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Jimin turned to his family, as Yoongi went to bid his bye.

''Take care of yourself okay?''

''You too, mom. Chae, look after the old couple 'kay?'' He asked, earning himself a salute from the girl.

ARRANGED TO LOVE •yoonmin•Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz