chapter 2

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It was almost time for them to leave. Since the ride from the house to the airport takes almost 30 mins, they decided to leave a little bit early.

Jimin checked his outfit. He had decided on a simple outfit because the journey from new york to incheon airport takes almost 15 hours. His outfit consisted of a classic black turtleneck, an oversized cardigan, black JEANS (why did he wear skinny jeans? No one knows), and a pair of wyatt boots. He had added a sunglass as a finishing touch. He took a black backpack, for putting his phone and important stuff.

Deciding that it's time, he dragged his luggage out of the room and looked around his room.

''I'm gonna miss you my bed. You were really comfy and soft.'' Jimin whined childishly.

Sighing once more to himself, he dragged his luggage down the stairs, which was a difficult task.

After a few mins, he found himself once again sitting at the couch, waiting for that girl to come down. He didn't have to wait more, cause soon he heard the sounds of her dragging her luggage down.

''Urghh- can't you just help me with this?'' Chae asked, annoyance clear in her voice.

Jimin just looked at her with his legs crossed, and his glasses at the top of his head, with an utmost bored expression.

''Nope'' he replied, not forgetting to pop the 'p'.

''Bitchass fucker'' chae huffed, trying to drag her luggage down the stairs. In which she was successful.

She was wearing a comfortable outfit too. She opted to wear an oversized sweatshirt and chute trousers paired with medalist-mid sneakers.

''You look like your homeless'' Jimin deadpanned, earning himself a very offended look from the woman. You can't blame him, he was just too honest at times.

Timeskip (I'm too lazy, don't mind me)

''Ah, it smells so korean here.'' Jimin stated ater taking a deep breath, a goofy smile appearing on his face.

They had just arrived at Incheon.

Jimin wanted to punch his dumb self for deciding to wear skinny jeans during a 15-hour long journey. It was tiring as heck. So kids, the morel of this story is DON'T FUCKING WEAR SKINNY JEANS WHEN YOU ARE TRAVELLING ON A LONG JOURNEY. tut tut. Jimin learned his lesson.

Jimin was relieved to be back at Korea. Sure Newyork was amazing, but he was happy to be back. 

''Now, where can I find my korean OPPARR'' chaeyoung asked Jimin.  She had just finished taking a picture of herself,probably to post it on her instagram.

Jimin however gave an unamused look. Chae can be really annoying at times. He decided to voice it out.

''Why are you so annoying?''

''I learnt it from you.'' Came the reply, She hadn't forgot to add a very obvious fake smile.

''You have been in here back for like literally 5 mins, and I already want to yeet your ass back to Newyork'' Jimin said blankly. Highly unamused with her antics.

''You were there with me too'' Chaeyoung pointed out.

''I can't hear your shit over me leaving your pitiful existence behind'' remarked the elder, not forgetting to roll his eyes. Dragging his luggage, he walked away without sparing a glance at the girl who was beside him, who is also his sweet little sister.

Soon chae followed her brother, grumbling under her breath. Looking around she spotted a couple of reporters around snapping their pictures.

'How did they find that we were arriving today. I swear to god they are so annoying.' Chaeyoung hoped that their mom and dad wouldn't find that they have arrived. Cause that would mean MISSION FAILED.

ARRANGED TO LOVE •yoonmin•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt