chapter 10

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I had 3 chap's rdy, but watty dltd it. So I had to rewr8 dis again. Just a heads up dat da chap mite not be gud ;)


[song recommendation : stay gold]

''Getting a detention on your fifth day here isn't good Mr Park''

The said male forced out an awkward smile as his history sir, Mr Oh, stated in a firm voice. Jimin watched as Mr Oh stand up from where he was sitting, and exit the class. Dumbfounded, Jimin looked between the door and the teacher's desk.

''Aren't you going to come?'' Jimin looked at Mr Oh, whose head was peeking through the door. Embarrassed, Jimin followed the older male, not really sure where they were going to.

Turns out, their destination was the school library.

''Since it's your first week, write an essay on the topic 'the influence of ancient Greece in modern culture'. Handed in to be on next monday. If you don't meet the deadline, you will get detentions till you complete the essay.''

Saying that, Mr Oh left the library, leaving Jimin behind. Jimin smiled at the librarian, but, seems like the librarian was in a bad mood, because she only rolled her eyes at the male. Taking a deep breath, Jimin sauntered through the bookshelves.

To be honest, the shelves looked never-ending. Spending a few minutes trudging through the library, looking for a book that would help him in his essay, Jimin finally found out a book.

Occupying the nearest table, he opened the book and pulled out his laptop from his bag.

He could've used internet for finding helpful resources for the essay, rather than spending an awful time looking through the books, which looked like it was from the 14th century. But, he wanted the librarian, who was peering at him from behind a bookshelf, which contained a lot of sci-fi books, to think that Jimin was properly doing his essay. And to make things more believable, he pulled out a book from his bag, and pretended like he was jotting down important points, when in reality, he was only doodling a picture of a ghost, a cute one at that.

After making sure that the peering eyes of the librarian had gone, Jimin stood up from where he was sitting, and walked to the shelf containing fantasy novels.

He traced his fingers on the spines of the books, reading their names, until he stoped his finger on a book. He pulled out the book and read the name engraved with golden letters.

and the
Half-Blood prince

Smiling to himself, Jimin walked over to the table where his things was, and sat down.

His essay can wait, it's not like he can't ask an AI to formulate him an essay. And, his teacher didn't say that he can't use internet, nor ask AI for help. So he could do just that. And it's not like the essay is more interesting than Harry potter.

Jimin looked around to make sure that the librarian wasn't anywhere near, and opened the book, reading the first page,

Chapter one

The Other Minister

It was nearing midnight and the Prime Minister was sitting alone in his office, reading a long memo that was slipping through his brain...

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