Chapter 59

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Azriel didn't get a wink of sleep. Not that he minded much.

The stone floor of the cave was cold and hard against his side. Even through his armor he felt the sharp bite of it. A small rock dug into his ribcage, but he didn't dare move to dislodge it. Not when Raya was sound asleep on his chest.

She hadn't slept much of the night either. Nor had Emerie. Though Gwyn miraculously slept like one of the stones resting on the cave floor.

Azriel smoothed his fingers through Soraya's hair, breathing deeply as he watched the sun rise. Waking with the rest of the world it loomed over.

His mate had fallen asleep a short time ago, even while it was technically her turn to keep watch. She had tossed and turned all night. When the time came that she was to stay awake and keep watch over the group, Azriel had tugged her shivering form closer and managed to lull her into sleep at long last.

The spymaster smiled softly down at her. Snarls outside turned to whines and whimpers as creatures of the Middle scurried back to whatever holes they had climbed out of. Hiding themselves away until night fell at the end of another day.

Soon enough, Gwyn, Emerie, and Soraya were awake and getting ready to head out once more. They gathered their things, suited up, and tucked their weapons away. Then into the maze of dead trees they returned.

His mate rubbed at her tired eyes but kept pace with the trio of faeries. Not balking even at the broken skull that they passed sitting lopsided atop a pile of stones. 

Azriel kept one eye on her at all times, though she was just behind him with every step. He hadn't been thrilled that she insisted on joining them on their expedition to the Middle. In fact, he had been strongly against it. But, he supposed, she wanted to help. He was confident enough in her training that she could defend herself until he got to her to help at the very least. 

Besides, he planned on hiding her away should real danger arise. Not that he lacked faith in his Raya. But he certainly didn't want to risk it. He had been burned too badly to play with fire.

They trekked on for hours, the terrain hard and dry and void of life. A far cry from the swamp they'd stomped through only the day prior. Still, they came across no sign of the rebels. Since they had yet to hear from Cass or Rhys, he assumed their search proved just as fruitless.

The sun was warm on his face and on his wings. A relief when the night had been so bitterly cold. They hadn't dared to start up a fire, giving the monsters a precise location for their next meal.

Another hour passed. He could tell his companions were beginning to ache. But not a single complaint arose from any of them. Still, Azriel suggested they stop for a moment to rest. Nobody protested that either.

The spymaster was glad for the break when a snap in the woods revealed that they were being followed by a pack of naga. They were being tracked, but the pause gave their pursuers a moment to catch up. Sparing them from a potentially grisly night and an ambush. It didn't take too long for he and the Valkyries to slice their way through the beasts. 

They carried on; this time more careful to ensure their tracks were covered. That they hadn't a single being nipping at their heels.

When once more they found a clean stream, the group took pause for a water break. Azriel dipped his hands into the cool water and dragged them down his sweat-beaded face. He sighed in relief at the cold bite against his heated skin.

The spymaster pushed back his hair and lifted his head. Emerie was knelt beside him. Gwyn sitting on a stump behind them. Azriel stood, stretching his wings for a moment. A chill ran along his spine. He stiffened as the little hairs rose on the back of his neck. Some odd, unfamiliar instinct itching at him.

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